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Rick Astley “Together Forever”

A. Rick Astley singing, performing “Together Forever” song’s music video published on with “80’s Disco Hits” named “Rick Astley – Together Forever (Disco of the 80’s Festival, Russia, 2013)”

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B. Rick Astley singing “Together Forever” song’s lyrics

Artist: Rick Astley
Album: Rick Astley – Greatest Hits
Genre: Rock, Love, Romance

Initial reference song’s lyrics at:

* The song’s lyrics starting with a “ * ” and ending with a “ * ” are the added and/or modified lyric lines transcribed by Editor David E Ros to match the song’s lyric lines of the music video used on this website. The changes are required because sometimes musicians have many versions of sung, performed song’s lyrics from the musician’s various performances. Transcribed song’s lyrics: 11-13-2018; 11-14-2018; 9-27-2020; 9-28-2020

The finalized transcribed song’s lyrics are located below the Quick Editor’s Comments and below the partial song’s lyrics at the gold highlight underlined text heading beginning with **.

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*Quick Editor’s Comments: Beautiful music video with beautiful, joyful sounds!

1. Rick Astley “Together Forever” partial song’s lyrics state:

*If there’s anything you need, need-need, need*
*All you have to do is say, say-say, say*
*You know you satisfy, satisfy, satisfy everything in me, me, me*
*We shouldn’t waste a single day, day-day, day*

So, don’t stop me falling
*And it’s destiny calling*
*A power I just can’t deny, deny, deny, deny, deny-deny, deny-deny, deny*
It’s never changing
Can’t you hear me, I’m saying
*I want you for the rest of my life, life, life-life, life-life, life*

Quick Editor’s Comments from David E Ros

Wonderful music video and beautiful song discussing that when “true love” occurs in life to hope, plan to stay together forever. “True love” is when written signed agreements are made and honored of each other’s required behavior, necessary needs, marriage agreements and/or companionship agreements to eliminate arguments, set the mood of life together and to solidify the marriage and/or companionship to last forever.

Glorifying “true love” in this song’s lyrics warms, pleases my soul so is a very good song.

Rick Astley, the accompanying band and the backup female singers, dancers singing, dancing and the musical performance are excellent and is desired listening.

The male character in the song’s lyrics states:
So, don’t stop me falling
*And it’s destiny calling*
*A power I just can’t deny, deny, deny, deny, deny-deny, deny-deny, deny*

Those song’s lyrics are discussing falling in love and that falling in love with a desired female companion is his destiny. Loving someone is desirable and should be cherished. Besides the emotions of love and having you soul pleased, love is a self-directed performance from the individuals in love. The use of the word “falling” describes being attracted to the love moves, the act of loving motions from the female object of the male character’s desires in the song’s lyrics.

The “80’s Disco Hits” series in Russia are wonderful music concerts and there are presently many videos available.

* * *

2. Rick Astley “Together Forever” partial song’s lyrics state:

*-[Chorus 1:]-*
Together forever and never to part
*Together forever we two, two-two, two-two, two*
And don’t you know
I would move Heaven and Earth
*To be together forever with you, you-you, you-you, you-you, you*

If they ever get you down
*There’s always something I can do, do, do*
*Because I wouldn’t ever, ever, ever want to see you frown*
*I’ll always do what’s best for you, you-you, you-you, you-you, you*

There ain’t no mistaking
It’s true love we’re making
*Something to last for all time, time-time, time-time, time-time, time*
It’s never changing
Can’t you hear me, I’m saying
*I want you for the rest of my life, life, life-life, life, life, life*

Quick Editor’s Comments from David E Ros
The song’s lyrics describe “true love” as “Something to last for all time”, i.e., forever.

The Lord, the owner likes discussing the owner’s life in the owner’s song’s lyrics. The owner and the owner’s wives have faith in honoring the owner’s approved laws including contract observations and contract compliance which is important for long-lasting “true love” to exist and continue. The Lord, the owner does love his, the owner’s wives and hopes their love lasts forever.

The most senior owner wrote these updated song’s lyrics and accompanying music score and music’s composition from the owner and the owner’s wives’ “Heaven” home far away in future time periods and also far away in linear distance.

* * *

3. Rick Astley “Together Forever” partial song’s lyrics state:

*-[Chorus 2:]-*
Together forever and never to part
*Together forever we two, two-two, two-two, two*
And don’t you know
I would move Heaven and Earth
*To be together forever with you, you-you, you-you, you-you, you*

*-Song’s 2nd Instrumental-*

So, don’t stop me falling
*And it’s destiny calling*
*A power I just can’t deny, deny, deny, deny, deny-deny, deny-deny, deny*
It’s never changing
Can’t you hear me, I’m saying
*I want you for the rest of my life, life, life-life, life-life, life-life, life*

Quick Editor’s Comments from David E Ros
Then the song’s lyrics state that to be close together is very desirable and are long established requirements of the owner and the owner’s wives to be individually together i.e. the owner, the husband/companion man must be with each wife every day and every night individually. At gatherings, the owner husband/companion man must be at each wife’s side individually.

The song’s lyrics state:
So, don’t stop me falling
*And it’s destiny calling*
*A power I just can’t deny, deny, deny, deny, deny-deny, deny-deny, deny*
It’s never changing
Can’t you hear me, I’m saying
*I want you for the rest of my life, life, life-life, life-life, life-life, life*

From infinite eternities ago are now improved versions of one of the Lord, the owner’s early/present divine powers which is to create the owner’s special creation natural female companions. In those earlier times the owner also had to be in the company of the owner’s special creation natural female companions at intervals for his personal health. So, the companionships of the owner and the owner’s wives is their natural personal ways which is: “It’s destiny calling” and is “*A power I just can’t deny, deny, deny, deny, deny-deny, deny*”. Last revised: 11-17-2018; 9-27-2020; 9-28-2020

* * * * *

**Rick Astley – “Together Forever” finalized transcribed song’s lyrics

*Rick Astley: “Come on”*
*Rick Astley: “Let’s Go!”*
*Rick Astley: “One more”*

*-Song’s beginning Instrumental-*

*If there’s anything you need, need-need, need*
*All you have to do is say, say-say, say*
*You know you satisfy, satisfy, satisfy everything in me, me, me*
*We shouldn’t waste a single day, day-day, day*

So, don’t stop me falling
*And it’s destiny calling*
*A power I just can’t deny, deny, deny, deny, deny-deny, deny-deny, deny*
It’s never changing
Can’t you hear me, I’m saying
*I want you for the rest of my life, life, life-life, life-life, life*

*-[Chorus 1:]-*
Together forever and never to part
*Together forever we two, two-two, two-two, two*
And don’t you know
I would move Heaven and Earth
*To be together forever with you, you-you, you-you, you-you, you*

If they ever get you down
*There’s always something I can do, do, do*
*Because I wouldn’t ever, ever, ever want to see you frown*
*I’ll always do what’s best for you, you-you, you-you, you-you, you*

There ain’t no mistaking
It’s true love we’re making
*Something to last for all time, time-time, time-time, time-time, time*
It’s never changing
Can’t you hear me, I’m saying
*I want you for the rest of my life, life, life-life, life, life, life*

*-[Chorus 2:]-*
Together forever and never to part
*Together forever we two, two-two, two-two, two*
And don’t you know
I would move Heaven and Earth
*To be together forever with you, you-you, you-you, you-you, you*

*-Song’s 2nd Instrumental-*

So, don’t stop me falling
*And it’s destiny calling*
*A power I just can’t deny, deny, deny, deny, deny-deny, deny-deny, deny*
It’s never changing
Can’t you hear me, I’m saying
*I want you for the rest of my life, life, life-life, life-life, life-life, life*

*-[Chorus 3:]-*
Together forever and never to part
*Together forever we two, two-two, two-two, two*
And don’t you know
I would move Heaven and Earth
*To be together forever with you, you-you, you-you, you-you, you*

*-[Chorus 4:]-*
Together forever and never to part
*Together forever we two, two-two, two-two, two*
And don’t you know
I would move Heaven and Earth
*To be together forever with you, you-you, you-you, you-you, you*

*-[Chorus 5:]-*
Together forever and never to part
*Together forever we two, two-two, two-two, two*
And don’t you know
I would move Heaven and Earth

*-Song’s ending Instrumental-*

**(Audience applauds)**

*Rick Astley: “Thank you”*
*Rick Astley: “Thank you very much indeed”*
*Rick Astley: “Have a good night”*

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C. Editor’s Comments – Rick Astley “Together Forever” song’s music video; the performance; the presentation; lyrics, etc. Editor, David E Ros has posted reviews, comments, etc.

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D. Forum – Rick Astley “Together Forever” song’s music video; the performance; the presentation; lyrics; forum discussions; reviews, etc. Editor, David E Ros has posted reviews, comments, etc., in forum

There are some topics started in the Forum, participants must register to post messages in Forum

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Rick Astley singing “Together Forever” song

Greetings & Welcome World-Wide Music Listeners and Lovers, etc.,

I have 1-Rick Astley singing, performing “Together Forever” song’s music video published on for your viewing pleasure in area “A.” above.
There is an open full screen option in the video’s menu.
I give full credit to the publisher of the music videos by listing their nickname.
After the published music video is: area “B.” above where the song’s lyrics to Rick Astley singing, performing “Together Forever” song have been transcribed by Editor David E Ros to match the music video’s song’s lyric lines used on this website. The song’s initial reference song’s lyrics courtesy of:
Next is area “C.” above, the quick access URL link to the “Editor’s Comments” webpage discussing Rick Astley singing, performing “Together Forever” song.
Then is area “D.” above, the quick access URL link to this website’s forum discussing Rick Astley singing, performing “Together Forever” song.

David E Ros, Editor, Music Lover and Webmaster Owner

Published on: Nov 13, 2018 @ 03:27
Revised: 11-14-2018; 11-15-2018; 11-16-2018; 11-17-2018; 9-27-2020; 9-28-2020; 10-1-2020; 10-2-2020
9-27-2020 checking, revised the HTML codes to comply to the latest code layout standards;
9-27-2020 set the Rick Astley “Together Forever” video to: width=”100%” height=”660″;
9-27-2020 a new replacement video for the Rick Astley “Together Forever” video. New video embed code with the latest quality video version;
9-27-2020 checked the spelling and revised the webpage’s text and the song’s lyrics with the Microsoft Word program;
9-27-2020 repaired the “Forum – Rick Astley “Together Forever” URL link;
9-27-2020 repaired the “Music Videos Menu” and the “Q, R Index” for the “Forum – Rick Astley “Together Forever” URL links;
9-28-2020 revised the finalized transcribed song’s lyrics;
9-28-2020 replaced the Amazon Associates advertisements that were outdated;
10-1-2020 revised 1st heading HTML codes;
10-2-2020 checked, revised the HTML codes to comply to the latest W3Schools code layout standards;

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“Music to me is another treasure!”

Music to me is another treasure to locate and enjoy!

Music scores, lyrics, musical arrangements, etc., are with the Lord’s official copyrights and official ownership is by U.S., Earth and Universe laws are retained by the Lord, the Owner. The Lord is a real person who by facts and laws is the origin of all advance technologies, including literature, music, etc. If your product does not work, then your manufacturer did not use the Lord’s resources that laws require nor did your manufacturer pay the Lord’s contracted fees.
Copyrights in most locations can be nestled with unofficial inferior published accounts of copyrights at lower levels however the official copyrights ownership is at the highest level called the Lord’s copyright where the Lord, the owner retains all ownership rights, privileges by existing approved laws universe-wide and those laws are approved by the Lord who has to approve of laws on his properties for them to be valid.
Unofficial inferior published accounts of copyrights are not proof of ownership of those unofficial inferior published accounts of copyrights. The word “inferior” meanings include fake, false, not authorized, possibly unlawful, defective, corrupt, etc., thus can imply a warning.
Some musical artists have written contracted permissions to use the Lord’s copyrighted works without a fee. Others the outlaw musicians have used the Lord’s copyrighted works without paying the contracted fees to the Lord.
The Lord has won and wins his disputes in the courts around the world including the Lord’s disputes with the record companies whom do not observe and have not completed their contract’s obligations with the Lord.
The Lord, the owner is not angry nor in dispute with his “Special Creations” singers, performers he employs in releases of his music, etc. The Lord is very pleased with his special creation singers, performers he employs in releases of his music and of the special creation’s cooperation, talents, etc.
Annoying the Lord can lead to a stay at the Lord’s Hell Punishment prisons which are protected by laws from complaints, intrusions, (no visitors are permitted) and there are no appeals or privileges at a Lord’s Hell prison.
The mentioned review of the prevailing laws is written as a public awareness mission by, David E Ros, Editor, Music Lover and Webmaster Owner

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