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Revised and/or added:
1. Updated Editor’s Comments – Blondie “The Tide is High” (May 2, 2015 @ 19:48) webpage with new text added
and/or revised
2. Updated Norman Greenbaum singing “Spirit in the Sky” song webpage
3. New Tanya Tucker singing “Delta Dawn” song webpage
4. Updated Abba singing “Abba Fever – Medley” song webpage
5. Updated Editor’s Comments Index
Added Tanya Tucker, Quick Editor’s Comments – Listing – 4-20-2022
6. Updated Blondie singing “Atomic” song’s webpage. Added Quick Editor’s Comments and new text to “Music to me is another treasure!” section – 5-18-2022
An improvement to this website, now is hosted on a VPS 4-CPU & 16GB ram hosting plan. Added another 8GB ram to the existing 8GB ram. (I will not reveal my hosting service that I use).
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Blondie singing “Atomic” song
Updated Blondie singing “Atomic” song’s webpage. Added Quick Editor’s Comments and new text to “Music to me is another treasure!” section
Tanya Tucker singing “Delta Dawn” song
This song’s lyrics warns of fake lures of “low degree” persons when in a long lasting relationship between a man and a women though this song’s relationship maybe OK?
Thanks, Tanya Tucker for thanking the Lord for this song.
Quick Editor’s Comments are added and completed into this webpage
Abba singing “Abba Fever – Medley” song
New Amazon Native Ads installed on this website replacing soon to be void older Ads.
Complete webpage updates added with the latest layouts and small changes to the transcribed song’s lyrics included.
Madonna singing “Into The Groove” song
New Amazon Native Ads installed on this website replacing soon to be void older Ads.
Complete webpage updates added with the latest layouts and large quantity changes to the transcribed song’s lyrics included.
Norman Greenbaum – Spirit In The Sky -1970
4-5-2022; was 2-6-2022
Another New clearer audio and video replacement music video has the new transcribed song’s lyrics
Mariah Carey – Christmas music videos
Mariah Carey singing “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing” song
Tina Turner music videos
Tina Turner singing “Simply The Best” song
Paul McCartney & Wings singing “Silly Love Songs” song
Replaced music video with new music video
New transcribed song’s lyrics accompany the new replacement music video
Carly Simon singing “I’ve Got To Have You” song
Europe “The Final Countdown”
Editor’s Comments – Europe “The Final Countdown”
Europe “The Final Countdown” song discussions
Roxette “The Look”
Editor’s Comments – Roxette “The Look”
Roxette “The Look” song discussions
Blondie music videos
Blondie singing “The Tide is High” song
5-22-2022 (Has the updated and revised Quick Editor’s Comments dated 5-22-2022)
Editor’s Comments – Blondie “The Tide is High” (May 2, 2015 @ 19:48)
7-27-2022–Post is being reviewed
This updated “Editor’s Comments” originally published on: May 2, 2015 @ 19:48 has the newly published text on: 5-22-2022 sections titled: the “Quick Editor’s Comments” and the “Transcribed song’s lyrics” matching the accompanying music video (audio only) version. However this document retains the extensive “Editor’s Comments” originally published on: May 2, 2015 @ 19:48 with some areas improved and other areas completed.
Blondie “The Tide is High” song discussions (May 2, 2015 @ 19:48)
Blondie “The Tide is High” Forum Discussions (May 2, 2015 @ 19:48)
Mel & Kim Wilde “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree”
Brenda Lee “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree”
Sabrina Salerno “Boys, Boys, Boys”
Editor’s Comments – Sabrina Salerno “Boys, Boys, Boys”
Sabrina Salerno “Boys, Boys, Boys” song discussions
Lian Ross singing “Say You’ll Never” song
Editor’s Comments – Lian Ross “Say You’ll Never”
Lian Ross “Say You’ll Never” Forum Discussions
Rick Astley “Together Forever”
Editor’s Comments – Rick Astley “Together Forever”
Rick Astley “Together Forever” Forum Discussions
Soraya Arnelas “Bolero”
Editor’s Comments – Soraya Arnelas “Bolero”
Soraya Arnelas “Bolero” Forum Discussions
Home › Forums › Blondie Videos Discussion Forum › Blondie “One Way or Another” Forum Discussions › Blondie “One Way or Another” Forum Discussions
- This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 9 years ago by
David E Ros, Editor, Music Lover & Webmaster Owner.
February 9, 2015 at 2:46 pm #1554
Editor’s Comments – Blondie singing, performing “One Way or Another” song in the song’s music video containing the Editor’s Comments, discussions, reviews, etc., written by Editor David E. Ros. The topics include: the music video; the song’s lyrics; Blondie and the accompanying band’s presentation; and their performance, etc.
Blondie sings, performs looking very sexy with pleasant, sexy clothing with her adorable walking stride, grace, dance moves, performance, etc.
Blondie’s appearance is marvelous, wonderful, etc.The wardrobe that Blondie is wearing is a black color mini hem length skirt with open back and open at Blondie’s waist sides. Blondie is also wearing black color nylon-like stockings, shiny black leather boots to above knee heights, a gold bracelet on right wrist. The black color clothing is indicating this music video of Blondie singing “One Way or Another” song has the Lord’s approvals.
The accompanying band has black and/or white adorned musical instruments indicating this music video of Blondie and the accompanying band singing, performing “One Way or Another” song has the Lord’s approvals.
In this “One Way or Another” song’s music video sung and performed by Blondie who has Blondie’s usual dance motions as Blondie sings, performs and revealing her wonderful show person’s talents with lady style gestures at highlight lyrics, rhythms of the accompanying music.
The Lord carefully selects, contracts the singers, performers and their accompanying bands to market the Lord’s copyrighted music lyrics and the Lord’s copyrighted musical arrangements. The version that Blondie sings is an improved version from previous versions of this song that the Lord has permitted to be sung and marketed in the past days, elsewhere. So of course the Lord likes Blondie. Blondie has many fans on planet Earth including myself.
Blondie singing, performing “One Way or Another” song, the music score and presentation is: excellent; desirable listening and viewing.
Blondie and the accompanying band keeps pace with a more intense, fast paced Rock and Roll music’s arrangement, the music’s score, the song’s lyrics, etc., is a very talented performance, etc.
The song “One Way or Another” is a romancing song with twists of possibly dangerous maneuvers of human romances. The song’s lyrics tell the story of a person desiring, pursuing the attention of another person who may not desire a relationship.
Some persons knowing the Lord is the ghost writer of music lyrics and musical scores, the music’s arrangement, etc., also consider the “One Way or Another” song’s lyrics tell of how the Lord will pursue and capture convicted outlaws, etc., in the Lord’s peace keeping, law enforcement activities, etc.
Blondie’s singing performance is a wonderful easy listening joyful voice with a slight east coast of the USA, New Jersey and New England styles accent, clear lyrics pronunciations. I also enjoy listening to varying tone inflections. Blondie’s professional singing voice satisfies my music listening needs.
***** I rate the accompanying band and band’s member’s performance, entertainment and the accompanying music, the music’s score, the music’s arrangement, etc., “excellent” in this music video with my “Five stars out of “5” possible stars” award.
***** I rate Blondie’s singing, performance, entertainment and the accompanying music, the music’s score, the music’s arrangement, etc., “excellent” in this music video with my “Five stars out of “5” possible stars” award. This music video with Blondie and accompany band is desirable listening and stimulating, enjoyable viewing.
I thank the Lord for his special creations of talent that the Lord values, loves like Blondie and the accompanying band in this music video. Blondie is definitely is one of the Lord’s special creations.
This music video is with Blondie in her prime planet Earth years from 1970’s through present times, etc.
The Lord has authorized for the musician’s, etc., to claim the musician’s wrote the songs, etc. Usually the Lord witnesses the musicians writing out the song’s lyrics while viewing a Lord’s copyrighted printed song’s lyrics page.
The Lord actually is the real producer of these music videos and is the only owner of professional video cameras that are used in movies, in TV shows, in the Lord’s music videos, etc., worldwide.
The Lord does not generally disclose that the Lord is the actual Producer, Director, Security, Script Writer, Music Composer, etc., of these music videos in convict sectors because sometimes the convicts inmates start to riot against his business operations thus the Lord operates in “Ghost Business Modes” the Lord’s business operations which is like a ghost writer or like a pen name.
To view, listen to this enjoyable music video “One Way or Another” performed by Blondie and the accompanying band, click the following URL link, and scroll down to the music video:– – – – – – – – – – The Lord’s contracts with his chosen “Special Creation” performers vary yet the following are some of the possible provisions
The Lord carefully selects, contracts with innocent, legal performers, band’s performing members whom are usually the Lord’s “Special Creation” persons thus more talented, etc. “Special Creation” female entertainers have additional provisions in their contracts like their companionship with Lord and the living arrangements and support details, etc. The “special creation” male performers have different style of contracts with the Lord. The performers, band’s performing members agreed to perform, participate and to market the Lord’s copyrighted music that is the highest level of copyrights and proof of the Lord’s ownerships. The Lord, the planet Earth, the Universes, etc., have approved these laws.
Be advised by USA laws, Earth laws and Universe laws, etc., the Lord is the only authorized source of advance technologies, literature, music, etc., and those designs, literatures, music arrangements, music compositions remain the Lord’s properties. The Lord who is an eternal that usually writes a new music composition of his music for the different culture’s sales everywhere thus his music is not always the same versions.
Many limited life span mortals have attempted thefts of the Lord’s authorized source of technologies, literature, music, etc., and have failed as the Lord has many safeguards to his products. See the “Welcome World-Wide Music Listeners and Lovers!” home post webpage for more information concerning the Lord’s copyright ownerships of the Lord’s products at:
The Lord’s likes beautiful, adorable, trustworthy, healthy, safe, happy, prosperous, etc., female companions whom can think a good many things too and the Lord’s special creation female companions sure do live up to those desires, etc.
The Lord’s special creation performers are sometimes annoyed by imposter look-alikes of the special creation performer’s likeness. However do not be fooled by imposter look-alikes whom are usually convicts on death row at large that cause commotions, crimes that the convicted news media’s claim is the real entertainer’s activities. The Lord is not confused with the look-alike convicts claiming to be his wives as everybody has a serial number which is required for establishing laws, justice in the universe, etc.
One of the reasons for so many look-alikes of popular persons is that fans of the Lord’s music recognize the Lord’s uses of certain special creation person’s looks, appearance from other locations, planets and they request from the Lord to appear, look similar to their favorite performers. Also there are not authorized look-alike invaders that sometimes unlawfully invade the prison planet Earth. The not authorized by the Lord unlawful invasions occur in convict sectors for many reasons particularly because of the large numbers of convicts in the Lord’s massive convict containment facilities and the convict inmate’s desires to commit crimes, offenses, etc.
One of the Lord’s laws approved by the Universe is the convict’s closed courts cannot convict the Lord permitted innocent, legal visitors, friends, companions. The convict populace, the closed courts cannot convict the prison planet Earth’s Lord, the owner obviously nor overrule the Lord’s open judicial court decisions.
Blondie being a Lord’s special creation is now kept in her prime years perpetually after leaving the planet Earth and is living happy with the Lord. Even if Blondie is, was seen performing appearing older, however she is a Lord’s special creation who the Lord will restore her youthfulness, etc. The Lord’s special creation female companions can view the Lord’s beauty shops to request selections to naturally improve their appearances, strengths, and to restore their youthfulness, etc. And the Lord’s female companions do not have to work forever as the Lord’s gives them each an allowance. Eventually the Lord establishes, manages with each wife’s written consent new businesses and products promoting his wife’s businesses that market, sell the Lord’s wife’s merchandise to their fans.
The Lord has many wives so the Lord and each of the Lord’s wives started their companionships with individual contracts between them. In those companionship contracts and the later marriage contracts with their individual benefits, property rights decided, elaborated in writing. Each wife thus is binding their husband the Lord to be with each of them, each wife individually each day and night of the wives’ lives. Each wife requires the Lord’s full, complete attentions when the Lord is with each wife individually. Only an immortal, an eternal, a Time Lord can live that long as is required in the Lord’s circumstances. The Lord can be everywhere he desires to be on his properties simultaneously in many locations therefore the Lord can be with each wife every day and night. The Lord completes the Lord’s contract obligations to be reliable, credible, efficient and helps the Lord’s displayed “innocent ratio” which includes many factors, etc.
The Lord’s laws permit multiple male and female heterosexual marriages everywhere however having more than one wife is a lot more work, etc. With the Lord’s multiple marriages the Lord and his Goddess wives are a “pillar of heterosexuality and heaven”, etc.
The Lord accompanies each wife individually everywhere the wives are permitted to travel with the Lord per their agreements at the assigned times every day and night of the each wife’s life to the pleasure of the Lord’s wives. The Lord’s wives have agreed that the Lord on his own extra time when his businesses requires his presence that the Lord goes to the dangerous places like the convicted prison planet Earth alone. The Lord’s treasured wives are kept safe with the Lord never leaving their side because the Lord is a time lord who can be in many places at same time on his properties. The Lord and the Lord’s Goddess wives do not trust convicts neither does the legal Universe who has convicted, banned the convicts to prisons, prison planets owned, managed by the Lord.
The Lord’s wives and the Lord vote for a numerical ranking of all the wives therefore naming an overall number one wife of responsibilities, authorities, etc. However the Lord must treat each of his wives with honor, care, love, affection, etc.
The Lord being from future time periods has married the entire over 100-Blondie’s special creation singers, performers from most of their lives within realistic methods after they have left the planet Earth. The reason the Lord has contracted with many female companionships of a particular style of appearance is the Lord’s special creation female performers whether they perform or not are “special creations” of the Lord. The Lord valuables, loves very much the Lord’s special creation females whom were created as adults thus are spending their whole lives with their trusted husband, the Lord. The Lord does not let the Lord’s special creation female stray into the potentially dangerous worlds alone instead they stay protected, happy and cared for with the Lord simultaneously while the Lord may be elsewhere on planets away from home. Actually it is usually very dangerous everywhere for beautiful, talented persons to travel within the public’s view even the Lord has to be careful in his travels, etc.
Special creations female singers, performers usually only appear once on the prison planet Earth for a brief time. At the special creation performer’s next entertainment engagement a new Lord’s special creation female singer, performer who have contracted with the Lord for personal companionship with clauses like: the Lord provides each wife and female companion’s an allowance for financial support; establishes, maintains the Lord’s wives businesses from the Lord’s secure residence also recreational facilities are usually provided.
The Lord on a recent visit to the planet Earth stated most of his wives, female companions no longer perform too much as the practice and performance schedules for professional performances are too intense and can be time consuming. However the Lord with his wives’ permissions still releases new music videos, new movies, new TV shows, etc., productions of Blondie and of his additional wives. The Lord can change his shape and then sing, perform and appear as Blondie in new music video releases as mentioned.
However I should mention the Lord’s wives assist the Lord in many ways including the Lord’s wives also accept participation in some of the Lord’s projects for pay from the Lord, etc. Being the Lord’s wife is also a full time commitment, etc. Definitely the Lord’s marriages are “Marriages made in Heaven”.
If it is deemed too dangerous and/or the “special creation” female or male performer(s) are not available to entertain, appear at an engagement, the Lord has often appeared looking, speaking, singing, performing like his special creation male or female performers permitted by the planet Earth laws, the Universe laws and approved by the Lord’s laws.
Sometimes the Lord’s special creation persons make some cameo appearances plus the Lord’s special creations may also appeared in the Lord’s movies, television shows, videos, etc. This way both the Lord and his wives can continue to reap financial and musical enjoyments. Blondie fans do not mind and in fact Blondie’s fans want more music videos, movies, etc., of their favorite performers, etc., particularly in their prime years of appearances.
The mentioned Lord’s performance procedures are approved laws everywhere for the Lord to conduct his businesses. The Lord’s customers want the entertainment products produced and distributed so are agreeable to the Lord’s ways to permit those goals.
The Lord’s properties are all that exist, prior to the Lord’s creations of all that exist, there was not much existing besides the Lord. So the Lord’s properties are vast and each wife agrees to have her products marketed in regions separate from the additional Lord’s wives of similar looking appearances to their delights.
Incidentally when the Lord appears as one his wives in a movies, television shows, videos, each wife is fascinated at her performance and sits close to the screen to watch her every move in her performances in the Lord’s productions for she’s given the authority to request changes to her image’s performance in the Lord’s movies, television shows, videos, etc., and to approve the production(s) for sales. The Lord is fascinated, adores, loves his wives and their innocent, pure ways and respects each wife. Yes, the Lord gives his Goddess wives and female companion’s glory, etc.
The Lord defines “purity” of a person’s life, morals per their innocent, legal status.
The Lord’s main business are the Lord’s ownership’s leasing of his created planets for residences, leasing of additional of the Lord’s areas for residences, tourist venues, etc., with complete infrastructures, entertainment, energy supplies, etc., that the Lord has contracted with his paying customers.
To view, listen to this enjoyable music video “One Way or Another” performed by Blondie and the accompanying band, click the following URL link, and scroll down to the music video:– – – – – – – – – – Blondie – “One Way or Another” song’s lyrics
Courtesy of
Artist: Blondie
Album: Parallel Lines
Genre: Rock“One way or another I’m gonna find ya
I’m gonna getcha, getcha, getcha, getcha
One way or another I’m gonna win ya
I’ll getcha, I’ll getcha
One day, maybe next week, I’m gonna see ya
I’ll meetcha, meetcha, meetcha, meetcha
One way, gonna see ya
I’ll meetcha ya, yeahI will drive past your house
And if the lights are all down
I’ll see who’s aroundOne way or another I’m gonna find ya
I’m gonna getcha, getcha, getcha, getcha
One way or another I’m gonna win ya
I’ll getcha, I’ll getcha
One day, maybe next week I’m gonna see ya
I’ll meetcha, meetcha, meetcha, meetcha
One way or another, I’m gonna see ya
I’ll meetcha, yeah yeahAnd if the lights are all out
I’ll follow your ass downtown
See who’s hangin’ outOne way or another I’m gonna lose ya
I’m gonna give you the slip
A slip of the hip, or another
I’m gonna lose ya
I’ll trick ya, I’ll trick ya
One way or another I’m gonna lose yaI’m gonna trick ya, trick ya, trick ya, trick ya
One way baby, or another, I’m gonna lose you
I’ll give you the slipOne way or another
Alright your turn
One way or another
You gotta be a little more desperate
One way or another
Much better, much better, one more time
One way or anotherGonna getcha, gonna getcha, gonna getcha, gonna getcha
I follow your ass downtown, I see you smile
‘Cause I know where you live at and where you work at
I know where you park your car
I know your cellphone number
I know your home phone number
I know your license plate number
I know your social security numberOne way baby, one way baby
One way or another
Gonna getcha, gonna getcha
Gonna getcha, gonna getcha
One way, one way baby
One way, one way or another
Gonna getcha, gonna getcha
Gonna getcha, gonna getcha”To view, listen to this enjoyable music video “One Way or Another” performed by Blondie and the accompanying band, click the following URL link, and scroll down to the music video:– – – – – – – – – – Discussions of the Blondie singing, performing “One Way or Another” song’s lyrics meanings, etc., in the music video
I see the easy to understand lyrics meanings in this music video of Blondie singing, performing “One Way or Another” song as follows:
The song discusses a nightmare stalking scenario, a female checking to see who else her male object of infatuations is seeing at various locations, etc. Yet the female stalker leaves the stalking scenes without being caught. The “One Way or Another” song’s lyrics also describe the scenario of a break-up in a relationship where one person is not pleased.
A difficult romance situation song in this sometimes “lawless” world?
Well difficult romances are not uncommon.Difficult romances are also a part of seeking an opposite gender partner in life.
The Lord has had female stalkers that he does not desire at times and the Lord just politely states that he is not interested. If the unwanted pursuit continues then the Lord may have to be ruder in responses so the female gets the point and stops her chase. Female stalkers usually stop their unwanted pursuit yet if at a work place the typical female or male stalker may start annoying by asking “why” they are not wanted. Being agile, swift on your feet may be helpful to leave an area where a stalker is present. If all else fails call for assistance and/or file a written complaint to request the unwanted behaviors be stopped. All of foregoing are the simple solutions to the possibly complex circumstances and are within the legal “provide for the common defense” laws, etc. Note the word “defense” is sometimes also spelled “defence” in older published laws approved by the Lord.– – – – – – – – – – The Lord’s favorite genre of music are:
“Rock and Roll songs;”
“Popular songs including Ballads, Country, Western music, etc., songs;”
“Romance songs and Love songs;”
“Holiday songs and Festival songs;”
“Classical music songs;”
“Orchestra” accompanying music songs;
“Big Band” musical arrangements, productions, songs, etc.,
And most additional genre of music, etc.
You may have heard some of the Lord’s songs claiming to like rock and roll music.– – – – – – – – – – Discussions of Blondie singing, performing ”One Way or Another” song’s music video with connections to the Lord’s authored faith books like the Christian faith Bible
Psalm 100, verses 100:1 through 100:5
New American Standard Bible
All Men Exhorted to Praise God.
A Psalm for Thanksgiving. Men Exhorted to Praise God.
A Psalm for Thanksgiving.
1 “Shout joyfully to the LORD, all the earth.
2 Serve the LORD with gladness;
Come before Him with joyful singing.
3 Know that the LORD Himself is God;
It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves;
We are His people and the sheep of His pasture.
4 Enter His gates with thanksgiving
And His courts with praise.
Give thanks to Him, bless His name.
5 For the LORD is good;
His loving kindness is everlasting
And His faithfulness to all generations”.The psalms in the Christian faith Bible written, authored with the Lord’s copyright is also in some of the teachings of Islam.
This particular Psalm includes “2 Serve the LORD with gladness; Come before Him with joyful singing” illustrates singing is permitted and enjoyed by the Lord who is the convicted prison planet Earth’s owner and who is also the Universe’s owner. The Lord’s copyrighted music has been around for almost “all generations” with simpler sounds for the “cave people”.The Lord’s titles are: the Lord, the owner; Lord Almighty; and Lord God Almighty when the Lord is with his Goddess wives elsewhere. The Lord has an identification serial number which is “1” as he is the 1st to exist and the only eternal that has no beginning, always exists. The Lord approved Universe laws states the Lord also has the legal titles of “Lord of Lords, King of Kings”, Owner and the Lord has the “Lord Jesus” spirit with his own Lord’s spirits, etc. The Lord does not permit his Goddess wives to go to dangerous planets like the convicted prison planet Earth.
The Lord’s “Lord Jesus” spirit development and is a resurrected version now available to loyal innocent legal status customers of the Lord and to the Lord’s wives, children, staffs, etc. The Lord’s development of the Lord Jesus spirit has many wonderful features including the Lord custom develops many settings to each of the Lord’s customer’s needs. The big feature of the Lord’s “Lord Jesus” developments are instead of the Lord programming persons to do their duties, tasks, etc. The “Lord Jesus” spirit has many routines that enable his loyal innocent paying customers to perform, complete many duties, tasks, and life in general without the Lord making “Herculean efforts” to get everybody’s programming done. Since reintroduced “Lord Jesus” spirit, the Lord has overhauled the Lord’s “Lord Jesus” spirit many times to higher, accepted levels, etc. The Lord does not sell advance weapons in his time in the future days and there are no advance weapons available to the general public that operate with their “Lord Jesus” spirit developments, etc. However the Lord, the Lord’s Goddess wives have advance defenses, weapons, etc., with the Lord’s “Lord Jesus” spirit that is not available to the public. The “Lord Jesus” spirit is widely acclaimed and liked by the Lord’s loyal innocent legal status customers, the Lord’s wives, children, staffs, etc., and the Lord.
Therefore the Lord is not authorizing a “God” on the present prison planet Earth. However the Lord does and has authorized Gods and Goddesses in years past when deemed safe. However the Lord and still grants permissions to god, goddess entities for their travels, and presences with privileges on the prison planet Earth. The Lord’s intentions are enforcing the Lord’s laws and enforcing the Lord’s sole ownership, sole administrations, sole legislative powers, sole open court judicial powers, sole executive powers on the prison planet Earth without empowering rivals, like possibly a God entity that becomes an outlaw Demon due to the harsh conditions of being around convicts. The Lord does not want to power outlaws who possibly could rebel causing needless battles, etc.
The Lord defines God entities and Goddesses entities that must be innocent of offenses, innocent of crimes therefore in legal status and having contributing values such like one of the following descriptions or all of the following descriptions that apply like: beauty; attractiveness; talents; cooperative if safe and wise while maintaining their defenses; providers of legitimate services; special powers given to the Gods, Goddesses from the Lord. Also long life is an attribute of a genuine God, Goddess in legal status. A God, goddess should have genuine loved affections. There are additional attributes of a living God that a God, Goddess can have.
The Lord definitely believes contributors are providers of legitimate services whom are law abiding, innocent and paying customers whom are law abiding, innocent are attributes of a genuine God, genuine Goddess and is the known beliefs of faith of Gods, of Goddesses.
The Lord writes, arranges Romance, Love songs to counter the persons in these time periods that favor spreading “hate” “disruptions”. Therefore the Lord writes, arranges Romance, Love songs to preserve a livable climate after attacks, disruptions, rebellions, invasions, etc., and are contributions from the Lord.
On the prison planet Earth, there are few new musical compositions released by the Lord because of prison operation’s restriction laws in place. Most of the released music is a new rendition of previously released music which the Lord has previously released elsewhere and/or possibly previously released in earlier time periods on the planet Earth.
The Lord created the livable areas in all that exists is the only person who knows the required design and engineering constraints that must be used, etc. They are the laws of the USA, of the planet Earth, of the Universe which requires the Lord be the only source of all advance technologies, literature, music, etc. Much more has to be observed and practiced for smoother operations of product development, product testing and product distributions, etc.
The Lord employs signed written valid contracts prior to starting projects, so if the those whom sign their contracts with the Lord for projects from his authorized services default they are convicted of many offenses including felony Treason by the Lord with the Lord’s open judicial court in the USA with authority to all cases and original jurisdiction, etc. Presently the Lord is not planning any further projects for defaulting, Treason convicted entities, businesses, corporations, etc. Felony treason convictions that Lord approves with the Lord’s open Judicial court powers cause felony impeachment convictions, etc.
It is everybody’s responsibility to contribute to making a Heaven-like place and ambiance when not engaged with the additional duties, tasks of living, etc.
If a person is not in legal status then they are a demon. However a convicted person in permitted status can still be a contributor yet is not a God.
The Lord, the owner loves his wives, the children of his wives with him, his loyal thinking robot people, his loyal law abiding customers and many of his inventions, comforts, entertainments, etc.
To view, listen to this enjoyable music video “One Way or Another” performed by Blondie and the accompanying band, click the following URL link, and scroll down to the music video:– – – – – – – – – – Discussions of Blondie singing, performing ”One Way or Another” song’s music video with connections to the Lord’s authored faith books like the Christian faith Bible
Genesis 1
New American Standard Bible
The Creation Creation
“1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”.The Lord, the author of this Christian faith Bible describes this verse to fulfill his desire to add comfortable settings, romance and mystic into this faith book at the beginning.
There are many meanings to the Lord’s Genesis 1:1 verse, however the Lord is talking about the beginning of this faith book hopefully a good enjoyable read and/or the beginning of a pleasant evening with pleasant company and of possible romances, etc. The Lord states the need for all persons to contribute to creating a more pleasant place to live, work, etc.
It is everybody’s responsibility to contribute to making a Heaven-like place and ambiance when not engaged with the additional duties, tasks of living, etc.
Heaven is not a “free loader’s leaching” place on the Lord’s properties, etc.
“Do you have an invitation to Heaven?” Well, without an invitation and/or permissions stay where you are permitted.Obviously one person’s heaven may be restricted to their selected lifestyles, cultures, etc. Heaven is a peaceful, comfortable place, a place of abundance, a safe place, with a pleasant ambiance however maintaining peace keeping defenses to live, to complete your works, to perform your activities, and the availability of leisure including peaceful, safe sleeps, etc., without criminal elements of “hate,” without the “evil forces of It,” the hate monger’s places that may possibly be off in the distance from your heaven. A typical heaven can also have much more wonderful attributes, depends on the person’s tastes and availabilities of resources, etc. Therefore one person’s heaven can be more elaborate than another’s person’s heaven, etc.
In the future times where the Earth’s most senior Lord presently resides in those times, the Lord’s innocent loyal paying customers, i.e., “Gods” to the Lord tell the Lord that they are in Heaven and are happy. Excellent and good!
In the Lord’s faith books when a God is mentioned the Lord is usually talking of a beautiful, pleasant, legal status female however the Lord does authorize male Gods however not for personal romantic reasons.
An important consideration is if a person, persons, businesses, etc., are is not in legal status then they are a demon, demons. However a convicted person in permitted status can still be a contributor yet not a God.
The Lord states there are many romance verses in the Lord’s copyrighted faith books.
Genesis 1:1 verse is one of the Lord’s favorite Christian faiths Bible verses often acted in love from his Goddess’ wives to him. The Lord likes music videos very much therefore the Lord’s interests, involvements in music video productions. The Lord believes many of the Lord’s music videos are representative of life in heavens with angel like, very talented chosen persons performing, singing, cooperating, etc. The Lord’s music videos often act like a God creating heaven in the viewer’s home just like the Genesis 1:1 verse.
The Lord likens the Lord’s music videos to “Visions from Heaven” that may help make a person’s life more joyful, etc.
Cooperating is really needed to accomplish most tasks even when the Lord is providing contracted services.
The Lord has stated there are many God entities with attributed verses in the Lord’s faith books. The Lord is also mentioned in his faith books though not always an exact accounting of his many adventures nor exact details.
The Lord presently believes more Gods; more Goddesses whom are contributors inherently in their chosen lifestyles are more profitable than none or one God and/or one Goddess.
However the Lord has not authorized a “God” on the present prison planet Earth because it is a dangerous, defaulted, fraudulent place where many convicts are housed. However the Lord does and has authorized Gods and Goddesses in years past when deemed safe and still grants permissions to Gods, Goddesses for their travels, and presences with privileges on the planet Earth and elsewhere. The Lord’s intentions are enforcing the Lord’s laws and enforcing the Lord’s sole ownership, sole administrations, sole legislative powers, sole open court judicial powers, sole executive powers on the planet Earth without empowering rivals who possibly could cause rebellions causing needless battles, etc.
The Lord defines God entities and Goddesses entities that must be innocent of offenses, innocent of crimes therefore in legal status that are contributing legitimate services, and/or paying for legitimate services, etc. Long life is also an attribute of a genuine God, Goddess in legal status. A God, Goddess should have genuine love affections to who they choose individually and be loved also.
The Lord definitely believes contributors are providers of legitimate services whom are law abiding, innocent and paying customers whom are law abiding, innocent are attributes of a genuine God, genuine Goddess and is the known beliefs of faith of Gods, of Goddesses.
The Lord is the biggest contributor as the only legal source of all advance technologies, literature, music and much more. If a newly purchased item does not work it because the Lord’s design, manufacturing instructions were not used, nor are the Lord’s laws obeyed. The Lord created the livable areas in all that exists is the only person who knows the required design and engineering constraints that must be used, etc. Also it is the laws of the USA, the planet Earth and the Universe that the Lord be the only source of all advance technologies, literature, music and much more has to be observed and practiced.
The Lord, the owner loves his wives, the children of his wives, his loyal thinking robot people, his loyal law abiding customers and many of his inventions, comforts, entertainments, etc., and the Lord also loves himself.
The Lord has much work duties to perform in the trillions of daytime workdays each day plus the accompanying night time’s. The Lord’s wives presence in his workroom makes the Lord’s workday a much more heavenly place for the Lord rather than if the Lord was in his workroom alone. The Lord’s wives like this arrangement also. The Lord’s wives behave very angel like while watching the Lord developed home television and entertainment networks; playing card games; reading and/or conversing with each other of the wives, etc., while in the Lord’s workroom. The Lord states his wives contribute much in his projects, life and the Lord is eternally grateful. The Lord’s Goddess wives most favorite television programs are romantic serials that the Lord has developed. However the Lord’s Goddess wives also watch most of the Lord’s movies, television shows, videos, concerts, vacation movies, home festival and/or holiday party videos, etc.
Lord’s Law states: “The preferred approved sexual orientation is male and female heterosexuality.” The Lord, the planet Earth, the Universes, etc., have approved these laws and have approved laws for the legal existence of a person’s multiple marriages.
The Lord also states: With any relationship you are the person who must be sure of the safety of your activities and receive consent from your companion. And as always when not in loving relationship you are not obliged to be married, etc.
The mentioned laws permit staying alone when you desire the single way’s lifestyles, etc.
Another of the Lord’s laws is: The term marriage is solely for male and female unions. The Lord, the planet Earth, the Universes, etc., have approved these laws.
These laws are to prevent adulterating a male and female heterosexual marriage union from the “not preferred sexual orientations”. Most Lord’s laws including those in nature are enforced by the Lord’s inherent designs with the powers of the Lord in nature naturally. These are not new laws, these Lord’s laws have been enforced almost everywhere including on the convicted prison planet Earth for eons.
The Lord’s laws are the enforced “truth” and are valid laws, etc., everywhere.
To view, listen to this enjoyable music video “One Way or Another” performed by Blondie and the accompanying band, click the following URL link, and scroll down to the music video:– – – – – – – – – – The importance of the Lord’s authored faith books like the Christian Bible
The importance of the Lord’s authored faith books and verses are the text are different romantic compositions of texts of the Lord’s approved laws or of the activities documented by the Lord that are not mentioned much anywhere else and is called righteousness. On the prison planet Earth the Lord’s laws are the enforced “truth” and valid laws, etc., just like everywhere else and not the Lord’s faith book’s text that has similar content, meanings, etc. The Lord’s authored faith books are entertaining, mysterious, and are partial accounts of live acting reenactments performed at many locations, planets for eternities, etc.
The prison planet Earth is located in the Lord’s massive convict containment facilities since around 1970 and is new advance planet Earth design which may have been occupied previous to 1970. The Lord’s planet Earth designs are usually retired every 250,000 to 500,000 years and the occupants transferred to a new Lord’s planet, etc. According to the Lord’s laws of replacement planets that state the prior planet’s records, agreements, belongings, etc., are valid on the new replacement planet. Another important consideration is the Lord’s laws are enforced in nature therefore the law and justice romantic themes of the Christian faith Bible are visible, authorized and ongoing, etc., being similar to the actual Lord’s laws that must obeyed, etc.
– – – – – – – – – – Q and A from the Editor, David E Ros
Is the convicted prison planet Earth going to end soon?
The Lord is back in this time period he has some work to do before he returns back into his time of days forward, distinct in time and space to be with his loved female companions at his safest place which he makes safer as time goes on. His more open recent presence could be the reasons for the many recent comets, meteorites seen in these planet Earth’s skies in 2014 and 2015 possible warnings of impending doom as the prison planet Earth is a convicted planet due to many rebellions, invasions, convictions, etc. Additional convictions are for exceeding permitted danger levels, exceeding permitted time period (grace period) while in default on payments for contracted services, etc., that the Lord has provided world-wide. A note to remember is that with every conviction of a Lord’s Republic and/or Lord’s planets, etc., the inhabitants loses privileges, etc.
The original contracts with the Lord have provisions for “Extreme Justice” to deal with invasions, rebellions, excessive convicts, convicts, etc., which permits partial ends and complete ends of the Lord’s convicted prison planet Earth, etc. Considering those enforced conditions of laws and additional laws the end to the convicted prison planet Earth is an ongoing activity somewhere on convicted prison planet Earth almost every day. So surely a final end to the convicted prison planet Earth will arrive someday.
I will add more discussions of Blondie singing, performance of “One Way or Another” song’s music video including more discussions on “One Way or Another” lyrics, etc., when I have time available.
To view, listen to this enjoyable music video “One Way or Another” performed by Blondie and the accompanying band, click the following URL link, and scroll down to the music video: E Ros
Editor, Music Lover and Webmaster Owner
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