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Revised and/or added:
1. Updated Editor’s Comments – Blondie “The Tide is High” (May 2, 2015 @ 19:48) webpage with new text added
and/or revised
2. Updated Norman Greenbaum singing “Spirit in the Sky” song webpage
3. New Tanya Tucker singing “Delta Dawn” song webpage
4. Updated Abba singing “Abba Fever – Medley” song webpage
5. Updated Editor’s Comments Index
Added Tanya Tucker, Quick Editor’s Comments – Listing – 4-20-2022
6. Updated Blondie singing “Atomic” song’s webpage. Added Quick Editor’s Comments and new text to “Music to me is another treasure!” section – 5-18-2022
An improvement to this website, now is hosted on a VPS 4-CPU & 16GB ram hosting plan. Added another 8GB ram to the existing 8GB ram. (I will not reveal my hosting service that I use).
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Blondie singing “Atomic” song
Updated Blondie singing “Atomic” song’s webpage. Added Quick Editor’s Comments and new text to “Music to me is another treasure!” section
Tanya Tucker singing “Delta Dawn” song
This song’s lyrics warns of fake lures of “low degree” persons when in a long lasting relationship between a man and a women though this song’s relationship maybe OK?
Thanks, Tanya Tucker for thanking the Lord for this song.
Quick Editor’s Comments are added and completed into this webpage
Abba singing “Abba Fever – Medley” song
New Amazon Native Ads installed on this website replacing soon to be void older Ads.
Complete webpage updates added with the latest layouts and small changes to the transcribed song’s lyrics included.
Madonna singing “Into The Groove” song
New Amazon Native Ads installed on this website replacing soon to be void older Ads.
Complete webpage updates added with the latest layouts and large quantity changes to the transcribed song’s lyrics included.
Norman Greenbaum – Spirit In The Sky -1970
4-5-2022; was 2-6-2022
Another New clearer audio and video replacement music video has the new transcribed song’s lyrics
Mariah Carey – Christmas music videos
Mariah Carey singing “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing” song
Tina Turner music videos
Tina Turner singing “Simply The Best” song
Paul McCartney & Wings singing “Silly Love Songs” song
Replaced music video with new music video
New transcribed song’s lyrics accompany the new replacement music video
Carly Simon singing “I’ve Got To Have You” song
Europe “The Final Countdown”
Editor’s Comments – Europe “The Final Countdown”
Europe “The Final Countdown” song discussions
Roxette “The Look”
Editor’s Comments – Roxette “The Look”
Roxette “The Look” song discussions
Blondie music videos
Blondie singing “The Tide is High” song
5-22-2022 (Has the updated and revised Quick Editor’s Comments dated 5-22-2022)
Editor’s Comments – Blondie “The Tide is High” (May 2, 2015 @ 19:48)
7-27-2022–Post is being reviewed
This updated “Editor’s Comments” originally published on: May 2, 2015 @ 19:48 has the newly published text on: 5-22-2022 sections titled: the “Quick Editor’s Comments” and the “Transcribed song’s lyrics” matching the accompanying music video (audio only) version. However this document retains the extensive “Editor’s Comments” originally published on: May 2, 2015 @ 19:48 with some areas improved and other areas completed.
Blondie “The Tide is High” song discussions (May 2, 2015 @ 19:48)
Blondie “The Tide is High” Forum Discussions (May 2, 2015 @ 19:48)
Mel & Kim Wilde “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree”
Brenda Lee “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree”
Sabrina Salerno “Boys, Boys, Boys”
Editor’s Comments – Sabrina Salerno “Boys, Boys, Boys”
Sabrina Salerno “Boys, Boys, Boys” song discussions
Lian Ross singing “Say You’ll Never” song
Editor’s Comments – Lian Ross “Say You’ll Never”
Lian Ross “Say You’ll Never” Forum Discussions
Rick Astley “Together Forever”
Editor’s Comments – Rick Astley “Together Forever”
Rick Astley “Together Forever” Forum Discussions
Soraya Arnelas “Bolero”
Editor’s Comments – Soraya Arnelas “Bolero”
Soraya Arnelas “Bolero” Forum Discussions
Home › Forums › Blondie Videos Discussion Forum › Blondie “Atomic” Forum Discussions › Blondie “Atomic” Forum Discussions
- This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 8 years, 7 months ago by
David E Ros, Editor, Music Lover & Webmaster Owner.
August 14, 2016 at 1:47 pm #4391Editor’s Comments – Blondie singing, performing “Atomic” song in the song’s music video discussions
Containing the Editor’s Comments, public discussions, reviews, etc., written by Editor David E. Ros. The topics include: the music video; the song’s lyrics; Blondie’s presentation; Blondie’s performance; Blondie and the accompanying band’s presentation; the accompanying band’s performance; and the accompanying music; music score; music composition, etc.Blondie singing the “Atomic” song music video is another of Blondie’s wonderful, interesting featured singing performance.
Blondie performance and appearance is marvelous, wonderful and she knows, lives with the Lord where Blondie is today beyond her planet Earth days.
Blondie sings, performs looking very glamorous like Blondie usually does regardless of which beautiful clothes Blondie wears at her performances, etc. More on Blondie’s appearance and Blondie’s costume party clothing later in this text in a special section titled “Discussions of Blondie singing, performing “Atomic” song’s party costumes in the music video”.
This music video is from the prime years of Blondie from 1970’s through present times.
The Lord carefully selects and then contracts with his “Special Creation” singers, performers, bands, etc., to market, produce his Lord’s copyrighted music. The singer, performer Blondie is a wonderful, Lord’s “special creation” person carefully selected by the Lord to sing, perform this improved version of Lord’s copyright music composition and musical arrangements.
In the circumstances of the Lord’s female special creation singers, performers, bands, etc., the Lord and the Lord’s special creation females agree to companionship contracts, etc.
The Lord in the making, filming the Lord’s music videos, the Lord’s music, etc., may employ more than one Blondie special creation female. So all the Lord created Blondie special creation females are now kept in their prime youthful age perpetually after leaving the planet Earth and are living happy with the Lord with a mutually approved companionship contracts.
The Lord’s carefully selected singers, performers are Lord’s “special creations” persons whom are more talented and will cooperate, etc.
There are look-alike persons, gangs, fans that look similar to the Lord’s special creation singers, performers, bands, etc., however are not the Lord’s special creation persons, etc.
***** I rate Blondie’s singing, performance, entertainment and the accompanying music, the music’s score, the music’s arrangement, etc., “excellent” in this music video with my “Five stars out of “5” possible stars” award. This music video with Blondie and the accompanying band is desirable listening and stimulating, enjoyable viewing.
Blondie’s singing performance is a wonderful easy listening joyful voice with a slight east coast of the USA from Hawthorne, New Jersey style accent, clear lyrics pronunciations. Blondie supposedly resides in New York City, New York. I also enjoy listening to varying tone inflections. Blondie’s professional singing voice satisfies my music listening needs.
While the prison planet Earth’s convict populace is mostly without talents and usually do not cooperate, etc. Cooperation is needed when and if a person requests the Lord to provide them “special programming” to do that person’s tasks, etc. However often those that the Lord gave approvals with a written signed contract to receive the Lord’s special custom written programming have rudely departed the prison planet Earth to their assigned prison cell to waste the Lord’s efforts. Which causes the next look-alike gang’s member of the discussed person to be without skills from the Lord’s “special programming”.
Cooperation is required to complete tasks, for a peaceful world and to progress to new levels, etc.
The convicts on the prison planet Earth are look-alike gang members arriving from another prison for a duration set by the convicts which is usually less than a second. Sitting in a prison cell for hundreds of years does not develop skills, talents, etc., with convicts. When the individual convict members of look-alike gang depart they are returned to a locked prison and/or to locked prison storage facilities to eventually complete the Lord approved punishments orders, etc.The Lord does not have disputes with his selected singers, performers, band members, dancers, etc.
However everybody involved gets the notions which are fact that it is too hard to work for legal monies in convict sectors with the not authorized purported governments shielding corrupt businesses and corrupt corporations, etc.
So it is obvious the convict inmates will not honor their own signature approvals to obey the Lord’s approved laws. The convict inmates of the prison planet Earth continue to have rebellions, invasions, defaults on completed contract’s payments, etc., exposing that the convicts will not cooperate and illustrating that the convict’s “not profitable” beliefs, activities.
The Lord and his legal entourages receive just rewards when they leave the locked, sealed convict sectors to the legal sectors outside the Lord’s “abyss” the “Biblical Caverns of Hell” in the Lord’s massive convict containment facilities. I being an innocent entity look forward to leaving the Lord’s massive containment facilities with required Lord’s permissions to the legal sectors in the Universes.
The Lord is not confused with the look-alike convicts claiming to be the Lord’s “Special Creation” singers, performers, actors, wives, etc., because everybody has an individually assigned serial number which is required and is authorized for establishing the Lord’s approved laws, justice in the universe, etc. So each look-alike gang member has a different assigned serial number and name. Look-alike gangs are not for the most part permitted in legal sectors instead in the legal sectors there are different arrangements for similar looking persons.
The convicts often claim their supposed good behavior warrants the convicts release however the Lord approved judgements, the Lord approved punishment orders have to be completed by the convicted convicts.
The Lord’s approved contracts, the Lord’s approved laws mandate the Lord complete those mentioned Lord approved judgements, complete the Lord approved punishment orders on the convicted convicts, etc. All the convicts on “Final Death” row will eventually be put to death by Lord approved punishment orders.
The Universes do not want the convicted convicts on “Final Death” row to be released. The convicted convicts on “Final Death” row do not have hearing rights, etc.
The Lord always stated to the convicts arriving on the prison planet Earth that the convict’s previous Lord approved punishment orders, sentences on those convicts are not commuted. The convicts are being transferred to this location on the prison planet Earth is due many factors. The convicted convicts will have to complete the assigned Lord approved punishment orders.
The Lord’s special creation performers are sometimes annoyed by imposter look-alikes of their appearances. However do not be fooled by imposter look-alikes whom are usually convicts on death row at large that cause commotions, crimes that the convicted news media’s claim is the real entertainer’s activities. And because the Lord’s special creation singers, performers usually do not stay for a long time on the prison planet Earth.
One of the reasons for so many look-alikes of popular persons is that fans of the Lord’s music recognize the Lord’s uses of certain special creation person’s looks, appearance from other locations, planets, etc. Then the fans request permissions from the Lord to appear, look similar to their favorite performers.
There are also not authorized look-alike invasions, invaders that sometimes unlawfully invade the prison planet Earth. The not authorized by the Lord unlawful invasions occur in convict sectors for many reasons particularly because of the large numbers of convicts in the Lord’s massive convict containment facilities and the convict inmate’s “not profitable” desires to commit crimes, commit offenses, etc.
One of the Lord’s approved laws approved by the Universe is the convict’s closed courts cannot convict the Lord permitted innocent, legal visitors, friends, companions. The convict populace, the convict’s closed courts cannot convict the prison planet Earth’s Lord. And the convict’s closed governments, courts, etc., cannot overrule the Lord’s open judicial court decisions. When offenses occur the offenses are noted and the offenders are legally caught “alive or dead” to be punished on the prison planet Earth or elsewhere that is authorized with Lord approved punishment orders, etc.
If it is deemed too dangerous and/or the “special creation” performers are not available for the Lord’s special creations to entertain, appear at an engagement, the Lord has often appeared looking, speaking, singing, performing, etc., like his special creation male or female performers permitted by the planet Earth laws, permitted by Universe laws that are Lord approved laws.
Sometimes the Lord’s special creation persons only make some cameo appearances with blended inclusions in the Lord’s entertainment productions so are not noticeable to most observers. The Lord’s special creations may also appear in the Lord’s movies, television shows, videos, etc. This way both the Lord and the Lord’s selected singers, performers whom have contracts with the Lord can continue to reap financial and musical enjoyments, etc.
Blondie fans do not particularly object and in fact Blondie’s fans want more music videos of their favorite singers, performers, etc., particularly in their prime years of appearances.
The Lord has legal everywhere multiple marriages to the Lord’s many special creations females who share special love bonds with the Lord. Multiple marriages are legal with Universe approved laws and Lord approved laws and protections. However the Lord states multiple marriages are a lot more work, effort and time consuming. The Lord has the available time and enjoys the Lord’s wives dedicated companionships.
The Lord’s wives state they are very happy and they are in Heaven with the Lord and ask the Lord to state his heavenly comments, commitments to the Lord’s wives, female companions, etc. In my topics herein, I’m mostly discussing the life of the most senior Lord to visit the prison planet Earth and not too much of the Lord’s previous younger life which includes visits to this prison planet Earth.
Blondie’s singing is complete and is exactly like a Blondie fan’s desires, wishes for in this music video performance.
The Lord is very pleased with Blondie, the Lord is very pleased with Blondie’s accompanying band’s members in this music video.
Blondie’s dancing, arm movements, graceful bounces on Blondie’s feet and Blondie’s body motions are sensational and add value to the overall singing performance and presentation in this music video.
The Lord is the only authorized source of all advance technologies, music, literature, etc., by actual fact and is mandatory by the Universe approved laws that the Lord has approved everywhere. The Lord is the owner of the Lord’s copyrights on all advance technologies, music, literature, etc. Most songs recorded, released on Earth are the Lord’s improved versions of the Lord’s previous recordings releases done elsewhere and sometimes are much anticipated events. The Lord is an eternal therefore has the most experience and the Lord is the only person that knows the specifications, designs of all creations, etc.
The song version that Blondie sings is a much anticipated improved version from previous versions of this song that the Lord has permitted to be sung and marketed in the past days, here on the planet Earth and elsewhere. So of course the Lord likes Blondie. Blondie has many fans on planet Earth including myself.
Lord supplied the entire singer’s, the performer’s, the band member’s, and when present the cast member’s clothing in this music video. The Lord collects the mentioned clothing to be in the Lord’s approved “archives” of this planet Earth’s history. In the Lord’s approved “archives” of this planet Earth’s history is where everything that the Lord retains from this planet Earth is kept, maintained in secure, archive quality conditions for a very long time.
There in the vast Lord’s approved “archives” of this planet Earth’s history the Lord will have all of Blondie’s awards, special distinctions, clothing, etc. The vast Lord’s approved “archives” of this planet Earth’s history is viewed by the many different Lord’s special creation wives, the Lord’s female companions including the Lord’s many Blondie wives, the Lord’s many Blondie female companions.
However as the Lord and his entourage of beautiful wives and female companions go on through time in legal sectors where the Lord, the Lord’s wives, female companions and children reside there are even more fabulous collections of awards, clothing, distinctions in the Lord’s wives individual Lord maintained museums at the Lord’s secure houses and homes, etc.
I thank the Lord for the Lord’s special creations of talent that the Lord values, loves like Blondie. Blondie is definitely is one of the Lord’s special creations.
The Lord’s likes beautiful, adorable, trustworthy, healthy, safe, happy, prosperous, etc., female companions whom can think a good many things too in the Lord’s personal life.
The Lord has authorized for the musician’s, etc., to claim the musician’s wrote the songs, etc. Usually the Lord witnesses the musicians writing out the song’s lyrics while viewing a Lord’s copyrighted printed song’s lyrics page.
***** I rate the accompanying band and the band’s member’s performance, entertainment and the accompanying music, the music’s score, the music’s arrangement, etc., “excellent” in this music video with my “Five stars out of “5” possible stars” award.
The Lord actually is the real producer of these music videos and is the only owner of professional video cameras that are used in movies, in TV shows, in the Lord’s music videos, etc., worldwide.
The Lord does not generally disclose that the Lord is the actual producer, director, security, script writer, music composer, etc., of these music videos in convict sectors because sometimes the convicts inmates start to riot against the Lord’s business operations. The Lord operates in “ghost business modes” the Lord’s business operations which are like a ghost writer or like a pen name.
The Lord is not required to reveal that the Lord is the ghost writer, ghost composer, ghost script writer, ghost producer, ghost performers, etc., of any of the Lord’s works on the prison planet Earth. The Lord can make full disclosures. However full disclosures in convict sectors in places like the prison planet Earth could cause the dangers and problems to escalate unnecessarily.
Yet even without the Lord’s full public disclosures of the Lord’s worldwide businesses the convict inmates riot sometimes violently.
A full disclosure of the Lord’s productions would require the music videos have ending credits listing the Lord’s works, etc., which the Lord usually does provide in the legal sectors, in the Lord’s universes, etc.
I can see the Lord’s, a real living person’s message and have listed what I believe later in this written speech.
The Lord usually freely distributes music videos of the Lord’s music videos and then the Lord sells higher quality discs with the music, and/or the music videos, etc. The music video’s discs, etc., are very popular in the legal Universes and in the legal sectors versus the music only discs.
It is known by me that the Lord likes Blondie thus the plentiful of songs written by the Lord with Lord’s copyrights were arranged to be performed by Blondie special creation females.
The Lord usually signs a special individual contract with a singer, performer like Blondie which has some guaranteed resources to the performer. Default rates of earned payments are high on the prison planets and in convict sector areas because the convict’s “not profitable” operations of businesses ethics.
The Lord who is reliable makes his business arrangements with written contracts in advance with the singers, performers, so the singer, performer has resources until the Lord’s selected special creation singers, performers, etc., earnings arrive. The singer, performer’s arrangements usually vary for the provisions provided per person. The Lord usually accompanies each singer, performer, band members, etc., like Blondie for security, logistics, etc., at the performances, recordings, etc.
The Lord’s special creation singers, performers usually do not reside on the prison planet Earth for long durations. Because the prison planet Earth is often a dangerous, harsh place to reside with “fraudulent” business practices wide spread on the prison planet Earth.
To view, listen to this enjoyable music video “Atomic” performed by Blondie with the accompanying band, etc., and the accompanying music, click the following URL link, and scroll down to the music video:
– – – – – B. Blondie singing “Atomic” song’s lyricsArtist: Blondie
Album: Blondie Live
Genre: Rock
Read more at:
* The song’s lyrics lines obtained from have been transcribed by Editor David E Ros to match the accompanying music video. The song’s lyrics lines starting with a “ * ” and ending with a “ * ” are added and/or modified by Editor David E Ros to match the song’s lyric lines of the music video used on this website. The changes are required because sometimes musicians have many versions of sung, performed song’s lyrics from the musician’s various performances.
Blondie – Atomic song’s lyrics
“*Uh huh make me tonight…*
*Tonight… make it right, right, right*
*Uh huh make me tonight…*
*Tonight…*Oh uh huh make it magnificent
Oh, your hair is beautiful
*Oh, tonight…*
*Tonight… make it magnificent…*
Make me tonight, tonight, tonight*
Your hair is beautiful
*Oh uh huh tonight, tonight, tonight*
*Oh, uh*
*Oh, uh**Oh, uh*
*Oh, uh*
*Oh, uh*”To view, listen to this enjoyable music video “Atomic” performed by Blondie with the accompanying band, etc., and the accompanying music, click the following URL link, and scroll down to the music video:
– – – – – Discussions of Blondie singing, performing “Atomic” song’s party costumes in the music video
Blondie at the beginning of this music video is wearing a pair of big, wide black lens sunglasses which are recommended for usage when viewing the blinding light of a distant atomic blast simulation at an atomic costume party.
Blondie has a platinum straight hair style to the top of Blondie’s shoulders and with a front bang combed to Blondie’s left side.
Blondie is wearing a yellow colored top with “Vulture” written on front. The color yellow is often used as a warning indication.
Blondie is wearing a black colored rain poncho to supposedly protect oneself falling radioactive debris however is an atomic party costume garment.
Blondie is also wearing a pair of yellow plastic gloves to supposedly protect oneself when handling radioactive debris however is an atomic party costume garment.
Blondie is wearing tight sexy brown colored spandex pants that are comfortable to wear and/or to wear running.
Blondie has black colored knee high boots that are useful to wear if sinking sand and/or wet ground is encountered yet is difficult to wearing running. The black colored knee high boots are attractive on Blondie and were useful for Blondie’s horseback riding entrance in this music video.
Some party-goers are wearing a set of metal rings around their arms to ground the fierce electronic disturbance’s electrical sparks that occur at and near a site’s of major dangers like an Atomic blast. It is hoped that wearing a set of metal rings around their arms will help prevent painful burns, cuts from the fierce electronic disturbance’s electrical sparks.
Also some party-goers are wearing reflective aluminum foil to protect from electronic disturbance’s electrical sparks.
To view, listen to this enjoyable music video “Atomic” performed by Blondie with the accompanying band, etc., and the accompanying music, click the following URL link, and scroll down to the music video:
– – – – – Discussions of Blondie singing, performing “Atomic” song’s lyrics meanings, etc., in the music video
Blondie singing the “Atomic” song music video is an interesting song and an entertaining music video presentation.
The lyrics of “Atomic” at one point state:
“Uh huh make me tonight
Tonight make it right
Uh huh make me tonight
TonightOh uh huh make it magnificent
Oh, your hair is beautiful
Oh, tonight
Atomic”The Atomic music video and song is a Lord approved, Lord authored requested song concerning the popular Atomic costume parties.
The lyrics of “Atomic” at one point state:
“Uh huh make me tonight
Tonight make it right”The song’s lyrics written by the Lord are stating an atomic blast is one of the Lord’s powers which the Lord can legally set off onto death row convicts and volunteers whom sometimes attend Atomic costume parties. However the Lord really feels it’s too dangerous to have death row convicts around at a party even if the death row are chained to a secure wall waiting Lord approved punishments to be completed.
The lyric line states: “Tonight make it right” which implies the Lord is stating “Tonight make I “Tee” right” connecting to the Lord’s authored faith books with “law and justice” themes called “righteousness” therefore is legal, Lord authorized event.
Annoying the Lord, attacking the Lord, detaining the Lord, etc., are prohibited everywhere.
Annoying, attacking is punishable by immediate death and subsequent incarcerations, etc.
So the point of lyrics is the Lord is authorized to physically defend himself against verbal abuse, curses from the inmate convicts in the prisons and in the Lord’s legal universes, etc., by U.S.A. approved laws, by the Planet Earth’s approved laws, by universe’s approved laws that are approved by the Lord.“I Tee right” is a common culture phrase meaning, describing the act of punishing somebody possibly by the crucifixion “T” which is a cross and/or additional execution devices and methods.
The lyrics of “Atomic” at one point state:
“Oh, your hair is beautiful
Oh, tonight
Atomic”It is evident this Atomic song’s lyrics are about Atomic costume parties when stating “Oh, your hair is beautiful”. The “Atomic” music video sung by Blondie features the atomic party’s guests wearing atomic blast theme clothing and dancing whom are having a good time.
I have attended atomic costume parties and this “Atomic” song sung by Blondie is one of the favorites on the planet Earth.
The Lord is the only person authorized by U.S.A. approved laws, by planet Earth approved laws, by Universe approved laws that are approved by the Lord to review, approve convictions of persons, convicts and the Lord is the only person who can sign approval to a Lord judicial punishment orders.
The Lord reviews all the convict’s purported law passages, the convict’s close courts judgements even for traffic citations, etc. The Lord authored faith book’s verses warn for your safety as the Lord and the Universe’s legal residents have approved very strong punishments to convicted rebellion’s members, convicted invasion’s members, convicted repeat serious offenses convicts and to those convicted of rebelling against the Lord’s approved laws thus is not wise and not safe for yourself to become an outlaw.
The convicts often claim their supposed good behavior warrants the convicts release however the Lord approved judgements, the Lord approved punishment orders have to be completed by the convicted convicts.
The Lord’s approved contracts, the Lord’s approved laws mandate the Lord complete those mentioned Lord approved judgements, complete the Lord approved punishment orders on the convicted convicts, etc. All the convicts on “Final Death” row will eventually be put to death by Lord approved punishment orders.
The Universes do not want the convicted convicts on “Final Death” row to be released. The Lord’s approved convictions and the Lord approved punishment orders cannot be overruled. The convicted convicts on “Final Death” row do not have hearing rights, etc.
The Lord always stated to the convicts arriving on the prison planet Earth that the convict’s previous Lord approved punishment orders, sentences on those convicts are not commuted. The convicts are being transferred to this location on the prison planet Earth is due many factors. The convicted convicts will have to complete the assigned Lord approved punishment orders.
Lord approved laws do not protect convicted convicts of serious offenses which facilitate Lord approved punishments.
One of the Lord’s approved laws is the convict closed courts cannot convict the Lord permitted innocent, legal visitors, friends, companions. The convict populace cannot convict the Lord who is the prison planet Earth’s owner obviously.
The Lord disciplines himself Universe wide and/or takes himself for medical repairs when injured, etc., are the Universe approved laws, procedures that are approved by the Lord.
The way the Lord’s approved laws function is one Lord approved law cannot stop, overrule another Lord approved law. A Lord approved law reader must read the complete law clauses with Lord approved law explanations and not based their opinions on the condensed laws distributed in booklets.
The Lord can revise; void Lord approved laws, etc. The Lord can void not authorize laws.
To view, listen to this enjoyable music video “Atomic” performed by Blondie with the accompanying band, etc., and the accompanying music, click the following URL link, and scroll down to the music video:
– – – – – Continuing discussions of Blondie singing, performing “Atomic” song’s music video on the topics of romance on this lawless world?
A romance song in this sometimes “lawless” world?
Well romance and love songs are popular almost everywhere.According to the Lord, romancing between a male and a female with proper consent is an essential part of his faith books with “law and justice” themes which are called “righteousness” and is for the “general welfare”. To obey the Lord’s approved laws is called “righteousness” and is innocent, Lord’s approved laws abiding, clean moral, pure behaviors, etc. The Lord and the Lord’s Universes have approved these mentioned laws, etc. Remember the Lord’s approved laws are authorized to be enforced in nature naturally and with additional Lord authorized, approved reinforcing efforts, etc.
The Lord created two genders of male and females to be friends with possible mating, etc.
Lord’s Law states: “The preferred approved sexual orientation is male and female heterosexuality.” The Lord, the planet Earth, the Universes, etc., have approved these laws and have approved laws for the legal existence of a person’s multiple marriages.The Lord also states: With any relationship you are the person whom must be sure of the safety of your activities and receive consent from your companion. And as always when not in loving relationship you are not obliged to be married, etc.
The mentioned laws permit staying alone when you desire the single way’s lifestyles, etc.
Many times through history the Lord has conveyed the message that the name “Jesus” is meant to describe by the Lord in the Lord authored Christian faith Bible: “Hook” “ES” “US” i.e., “Hook Excellent Spirits Ultimate Success” in the Lord’s inventions, creations, laws, procedures, life, etc. The first letters of the Lord’s mentioned phrase is from the name “Jesus” with the letter “J” being used to describe the word “Hook”. The excellent spirits are Lord approved laws, Lord designed, the Lord manufactured advance technologies, products, literature, music, etc., and the Lord’s authorized powers. The Lord’s eternities of information, resources are the ultimate success some of which is available to loyal innocent paying customers, etc.
A male and female’s wonderful friendship and possible romances are achieving “Hook” “ES” “US” i.e., “Hook Excellent Spirits Ultimate Success” in their lives.
The Lord writes, the Lord arranges romance and love songs to counter the persons in these time periods that favor spreading “hate” “disruptions”. Therefore the Lord writes, arranges romance, love songs to preserve a livable climate after attacks, disruptions, rebellions, invasions, etc., and are contributions from the Lord.
The most senior Lord on the planet Earth is not romancing the “con,” “convicted convict females since the year 1998 and did not do much romancing before 1998. This romancing was required because the Lord prior to leaving on the Lord’s routine departure in 1970 to the Lord’s additional properties had made contract obligations for romances with females on the prison planet Earth that the Lord has since completed. So the Lord’s wives reluctantly gave permissions to the Lord to complete those previous contracts. Before 1970, the most senior Lord on the planet Earth was mostly single and was looking to make relationships with females, etc., in the legal Universes, etc.
Male and female genders behave better towards each other in the senior Lord’s future times, so the Lord does not romance legal sector female’s either. However after the Lord’s wives, the Lord’s female companions approved a program called “Companionship with the Lord for eligible Females” because of the public female’s requests, the Lord still meets a few legal sector females if the Lord’s wives approve the female applicant’s request prior to the Lord’s reviews and decisions.
However the Lord’s wives do approve of the Lord’s special creation females becoming the Lord’s female companions. The Lord honors the Lord’s companionship contracts.
The Lord and the Lord’s wives agreed the Lord’s personal life is full and the Lord’s wives do not want to share the Lord with additional females beyond what I have written and stated.
To view, listen to this enjoyable music video “Atomic” performed by Blondie with the accompanying band, etc., and the accompanying music, click the following URL link, and scroll down to the music video:
– – – – – The Lord’s favorite genres of music are:
“Rock and Roll songs;”
“Popular songs including Ballads, Country, Western music, etc., songs;”
“Romance songs and Love songs;”
“Holiday songs and Festival songs;”
“Classical music songs;”
“Orchestra” accompanying music songs;”
“Big Band” musical arrangements, productions, songs;”
And most additional genre of music, etc.
You may have heard some of the Lord’s songs claiming to like rock and roll music.– – – – – The Lord’s contracts with the Lord’s chosen “Special Creation” singers, performers, etc., varies yet the following are some of the possible provisions
The Lord carefully selects, contracts with innocent, legal status singers, performers, band’s performing members whom are usually the Lord’s “special creations” thus more talented, etc. The singers, performers, band’s performing members agreed to produce, to market the Lord’s copyrighted music, the highest level of copyrights and is legal proof of the Lord’s ownerships. The Lord, the planet Earth, the Universes, etc., have approved the Lord’s copyrights laws which complement the Universe and the Lord approved laws that the Lord is the only authorized source of advance technologies, literature, music and much more, etc. The Lord retains ownership forever of mentioned advance technologies, literature, music, etc., and much more.
The Lord who is an eternal usually writes a new music composition of the Lord’s music for the different cultures of persons in their Lord developed languages and can include variations from the various local topics; variations from the various local issues with local themes for sales thus his music is not always the same versions.
Many limited life span mortals have attempted thefts of the Lord’s authorized source of advance technologies, literature, music, etc., and have failed as the Lord has many safeguards to the Lord’s products. See the “Welcome World-Wide Music Listeners and Lovers!” home post webpage for more information concerning the Lord’s copyright ownerships of the Lord’s products at:
One of the Lord’s safeguards of the Lord’s properties is called “The curse of the Lord’s gold!” which are Lord approved laws enforced in nature, etc. The Universes and the Lord have approved laws that the Lord’s approved laws can be enforced in nature.
The Lord usually signs a special individual contract with a singer, performer like Blondie which has some guaranteed resources to the singers, performers, etc.
Default payment rates of earned payments are high on the prison planets, in convict sector areas because the convict’s “not profitable” operations of businesses ethics. The convict’s desires to be punished in Hell, (see elsewhere for additional discussions of this topic). Particularly convicts selected “dangerous” personal settings and convicts selected their destination to be “Hell” which is the Lord’s punishment prisons, etc.
The Lord who is reliable makes his business arrangements with written contracts in advance with the singers, performers, so the singer, performer has resources until the Lord’s selected special creation singers, performers, etc., earnings arrive. The singer, performer’s arrangements usually vary for the provisions provided per person. The Lord usually accompanies each singer, performer, band members, etc., like Blondie for security, logistics, etc., at the performances, recordings, etc.
The Lord does not have disputes with the Lord’s selected singers, performers, band members, dancers, etc.
However everybody involved gets the notions which are fact that it is too hard to work for legal monies in convict sectors with the not authorized purported governments shielding corrupt businesses and corrupt corporations, etc. Lord approved laws state that convicts cannot be in governments are also Universe approved laws.
So it is obvious the convict inmates will not honor their own signature approvals to obey the Lord’s approved laws. The convict inmates of the prison planet Earth continue to have rebellions, invasions, defaults on completed contract’s payments, etc., exposing that the convicts will not cooperate and illustrating that the convicts have “not profitable” beliefs, activities.
The Lord and his legal entourages receive just rewards when they leave the locked, sealed convict sectors to the legal sectors outside the Lord’s “abyss” the “Biblical Caverns of Hell” in the Lord’s massive convict containment facilities.
I being an innocent entity look forward to leaving the Lord’s massive containment facilities with required Lord’s permissions to the legal sectors in the Universes.
After the Lord has carefully selected, contracted with innocent, legal singers, performers, bands, band’s members to market, to produce the Lord’s copyrighted music they are ready to practice, record the Lord’s written, the Lord composed music, etc.
However “special creation” female entertainers have some additional provisions in their contracts like their companionship with Lord including the living arrangements with the Lord. The Lord provides each of the Lord’s wives and each of the Lord’s female companions an allowance support after the Lord has secured written, signed contracts and agreements with each of the Lord’s wives and each of the Lord’s female companions. The Lord’s special creation females have special love bonds with the Lord and are agreeable, pleased with the contracted arrangements with the Lord and of their companionship with the Lord.
The “special creation” male performers have different style of contracts with the Lord which varies according to their planned participation, length of time of performances, etc.
The Lord is not confused with the not law abiding look-alike convicts claiming to be the Lord’s wives, claiming to be the Lord’s female companions and is not confused with the look-alikes that are claiming to be the Lord’s contracted singers, performers, etc., because everybody has a Lord issued serial number which is required for establishing laws, justice in the Universe, etc. The Universes have approved these mentioned laws that are Lord approved.
Another reason the Lord is not confused about stories of look-alikes is because the Lord’s special creation singers, performers usually do not stay for a long time on the prison planet Earth.
The Lord’s special creation singers, performers usually do not reside on the prison planet Earth for long durations. Because the prison planet Earth is often a dangerous, harsh place to reside with “fraudulent” business practices widespread on the prison planet Earth.
However the Lord sometimes contracts with fan look-alikes of Lord’s special creation singers, performers to act like the similar looking singer, performer so to provide support in public relations, etc. Sometimes the Lord provides a residence for the fan look-alikes to reside while promoting the Lord’s special creation performances if a signed contract to such effects is approved by the Lord. Therefore the permitted fan look-alikes maybe with a contract with the Lord are helping the special creation singers, performers who leave the prison planet Earth to a safer place, etc.
There are also fan look-alikes of the Lord’s special creation singers, performers that have permissions from the Lord for their celebrity look-alike appearances. Those fan look-alikes asked the Lord for an advance schedule of their favorite singer’s, performer’s performances on the various planets, etc., and ask the Lord for permissions to be there on those planets, etc., with the fans appearing as their favorite singer, performer, etc.
Most of the Lord’s wives and the Lord’s female companions are a Lord’s special creations are now kept in their prime years of age perpetually after leaving the planet Earth and are living happy with the Lord. The additional Lord’s wives and the Lord’s female companions are also treated very well and can request to be transformed into a Lord’s special creation because of many inherent body design advances, improvements, etc.
The Lord’s special creation wives, the Lord’s female companions can view the Lord’s beauty shops to request selections to naturally improve their appearances, strengths, and to restore their youthfulness, etc.
The Lord has Lord’s beauty shops for the Lord’s wives and the Lord’s female companions to naturally improve their beauty, strengths to Goddess levels of beauty, grace, strengths, etc. The Lord continues research into improving human beauty and continues to reach more and more wonderful higher levels of beauty.
Eventually the Lord establishes, manages with each Lord’s wife’s written consent and with each Lord’s female companion’s written consent new businesses and merchandise, products promoting the Lord’s wife’s and the Lord’s female companion’s images. Those Lord created businesses market, sell the Lord’s wives’, the Lord’s female companion’s merchandise, products to the Lord’s wives’ fans and to the Lord’s female companion’s fans. The Lord designs, engineers and manufactures the mentioned merchandise.
The Lord’s Goddess wives, female companions are very much liked by fans, etc. The fans are thrilled to view new performances by the Lord’s unparalleled beautiful, graceful Goddess wives and the Lord’s female companions, etc. Such beauty, grace, articulate speech, etc., is seldom seen in the general public. One fan commented to the Lord, “The Goddesses are real Gods so I have to watch their shows”.
The Lord’s properties are all that exist, prior to the Lord’s creations of all that exist, there was not much existing besides the Lord. So the Lord’s properties are vast and each of the Lord’s wives and each of the Lord’s female companions agree to have their merchandise, products marketed in regions separate from the additional Lord’s wives, from the additional Lord’s female companions of similar looking appearances to their delights.
Each of the Lord’s wives, each of the Lord’s female companions are given the authority to request changes to products, merchandise containing their images in the Lord’s movies, television shows, videos, etc., and to give the approvals for the production for sales of the products, merchandise containing their images when satisfied.
When the Lord appears as one Lord’s wives and when the Lord appears as one of the Lord’s female companions in a movie, television shows, videos, each of the Lord’s wife, each of the Lord’s female companions is fascinated at her performance and sits close to the screen to watch her every move in her performances in the Lord’s productions.
The Lord’s special creation singers, performers are sometimes annoyed by not law abiding look-alikes of their appearances. However do not be fooled by look-alikes whom are usually convicts on death row at large that cause commotions, crimes that the convicted news media’s claim is the real entertainer’s activities.
One of the Lord’s approved laws is the convict closed courts cannot convict the Lord permitted innocent, legal visitors, friends, companions. The convict populace cannot convict the Lord who is the prison planet Earth’s owner.
The Lord disciplines himself Universe wide and/or takes himself for medical repairs when injured, etc., are the Universe approved laws, procedures that are approved by the Lord.
The way the Lord’s approved laws function is one Lord approved law cannot stop, overrule another Lord approved law. A reader of Lord approved laws must read the complete law clauses with Lord approved law explanations and not based their opinions on the condensed partial law clauses distributed in booklets.
The Lord can revise, void Lord approved laws, etc. The Lord can void not authorize laws.
Annoying the Lord, attacking the Lord, detaining the Lord, etc., are prohibited everywhere.
The Lord and the Lord’s Goddess wives do not trust convicts neither does the legal Universe whom has convicted, banned the convicts to prisons, prison planets owned, managed by the Lord.
The Lord’s Goddess wives are not going to visit the convicted prison planet Earth in the Lord’s massive convict containment facilities.
Actually it is usually very dangerous everywhere for beautiful, talented persons to travel within the public’s view even the Lord has to be careful in the Lord’s travels, etc.
The problem is that persons with additional privileges are sometimes disliked by persons with fewer privileges. Being beautiful, elegantly dressed, talented and married to the Lord are additional privileges obtained by a person’s lifestyle selection privileges, rights, etc.
Innocent, legal status persons with rights, privileges, etc., are not compatible with convicted convicts without rights, privileges, etc. Convicted convicts often have not profitable notions, evil intentions, etc. Convicts sometimes show hate, violent actions towards persons engaged in legal activities permitted by the Lord’s approved laws, etc.
The Lord’s wives and the Lord vote for a numerical ranking of all the Lord’s wives and of the Lord’s female companions. And there is an overall “number one” Lord’s wife of responsibilities, authority, etc.
The Lord sometimes marries all the over 100-special creation females with similar appearance, likeness individually, even if the special creation females have not yet sung a song, nor performed, etc. The Lord’s special creations have special bonds of love to the Lord. The Lord loves and much desires the Lord’s special creation females. The Lord’s wives, the Lord’s female companions are not look-alike gang members but instead each Lord’s wife and each Lord’s female companion have their own life, lives individually on their own 24-hours of each day.
The Lord’s special creation females are created as adults and are spending their whole lives with their trusted husband, the Lord. The Lord actually creates every person as an adult initially to gain experience in life. Then later an adult can request the Lord’s permissions to become a born child.
The most senior Lord to visit the prison planet Earth’s homes elsewhere has many activities for the Lord and the Lord’s wives, for the Lord’s female companions, over a billion activities at the Lord’s houses. Therefore the Lord’s wives, the Lord’s female companions do not desire ventures into the possibly dangerous Lord’s public areas. Instead the Lord’s wives, the Lord’s female companions like their safe living, recreations, vacations, entertainment activities and Lord’s safe homes. Visitors are not permitted at the Lord’s houses where the Lord, the Lord’s wives and the Lord’s female companions, etc., reside. There is no, none public transportation to the Lord’s houses and there is no, none public map listings of the Lord’s houses locations available.
The Lord does not let the Lord’s special creation wives and female companions stray into the potentially dangerous worlds alone instead they stay protected, happy and cared for with the Lord’s presence simultaneously at the Lord’s house while the Lord is also present elsewhere.
Special creations male or female singers, performers usually only appear once on the prison planet Earth for a brief time. At the special creation performer’s next entertainment engagement a new Lord’s special creation male or female singer, performer may appear.
The Lord on a recent visit to the planet Earth stated most of his wives, female companions no longer perform too much as the practice and performance schedules for professional performances are too intense and can be time consuming. Yet the Lord acknowledge the Lord’s wives have complete schedules of activities including their wives committee’s meetings, accompanying the Lord to the Lord’s work rooms and accepting projects from the Lord for pay, etc., besides appearing in movies, TV shows, videos, etc., for pay.
The Lord can change his shape, appearance to look, sing, perform like a Lord’s special creation singer’s, performer’s image in new music video releases if needed. The Lord can also change his shape, appearance to appear looking, performing like the additional cast, band members, etc.
The Lord with his wives’ permissions still releases new music videos productions of the Lord’s wives, the Lord’s female companion’s professional images.
If it is deemed too dangerous and/or the “special creation” female or male singers, performers are not available to entertain, appear at an engagement, the Lord has often appeared looking, speaking, singing, performing like the Lord’s special creation male or female performers permitted by the planet Earth laws, the Universe laws that are approved by the Lord.
Sometimes the Lord’s special creation persons only make some cameo appearances with blended inclusions in the Lord’s entertainment productions so are not noticeable to most observers.
The Lord’s wives, the Lord’s female companions appear in different of the Lord’s movies, television shows, videos, etc., and offer to work on many of the Lord’s projects with pay. This way both the Lord, the Lord’s wives, the Lord’s female companions, the Lord’s special creations, etc., can continue to reap financial, musical enjoyments, etc.
The Lord’s wives fans, the Lord’s female companion’s fans do not mind and want more music videos, etc., of their favorite singers, performers particularly in their prime years of appearances.
The Lord can change his appearance, shape however the Lord presently prefers the human body shape for himself as the Lord’s human body design, shape is a very advance design that the Lord continues to improve.
The most senior Lord to visit the prison planet Earth is not appearing in the Lord’s likeness seen by the Lord’s Goddess’ wives, seen by the Lord’s female companions while here in these time periods.
The mentioned Lord’s performance procedures are approved laws everywhere for the Lord to conduct his businesses. The Lord’s customers want the entertainment products produced and distributed so are agreeable to the Lord’s ways to permit those goals.
The Lord being so powerful with many unique powers, capabilities is sometimes called Satan. Satan is described in the Lord’s authored literature like the Lord authored Christian faith Bible and in additional of the Lord’s authored faith books as romantic and the most beautiful creation.
The Lord’s Goddess wives love their husband and like calling the Lord, Satan. The Lord states he can occasional be called the Lord, Satan and the laws. The Lord’s Goddess wives, female companions want to be the Lord’s most beautiful creations.
The Lord’s wives and the Lord’s female companions love the Lord, Satan and the laws who respects, cares, loves, protects, etc., the Lord’s wives and the Lord’s female companions, etc.
According to the popular Lord authored Christian faith Bible, God loves Satan thus Satan is with God and Satan obeys the Lord’s approved laws. However God has a disagreement with Satan thus Satan leaves God so Satan now is an outlaw Satan, Demon or a convict.
The Lord’s Goddess wives have shown some fondness to calling the Lord, Satan. The Lord believes the Lord’s Goddess wives want to be the Lord’s most beautiful creations thus think the Lord’s Satan powers can transform them. The Lord’s works include the Lord’s most beautiful Goddess creations, etc.
The Lord’s Goddess wives, the Lord’s wives, the Lord’s female companions usually do not permit being called themselves “Satan” instead cherish their Goddess titles, their Queen titles and etc. The Lord’s works include the Lord’s most beautiful Goddess creations, etc.
The Lord is fascinated and adores, loves his wives and female companions and their innocent, professional, pure ways. The Lord respects each wife and each female companion. The Lord defines “purity” of a person’s life, morals per the person’s innocent status. And by their observations, support of the Lord’s approved laws.
The Lord’s main business are the Lord’s ownership’s leasing of the Lord’s created, developed planets for residences and the additional Lord created, developed areas for residences, tourist venues, etc., with complete infrastructures, entertainment, energy supplies, etc., that the Lord has contracted with his paying customers.
The Lord is an eternal therefore has the most experience and the Lord is the only person that knows the specifications, designs of all creations, etc. There are no peers to the Lord’s businesses particularly the Lord’s ownership’s leasing of the Lord’s created, developed planets for residences, etc.
To view, listen to this enjoyable music video “Atomic” performed by Blondie with the accompanying band, etc., and the accompanying music, click the following URL link, and scroll down to the music video:
– – – – – Additional Blondie resources available online the internet through these quick access URL linksSee the Blondie official website at:
See more Blondie music videos at:
– – – – – I will add more discussions of The Blondie singing, performance of “Atomic” song’s music video including more discussions on “Atomic” lyrics, etc., when I have time available.
To view, listen to this enjoyable music video “Atomic” performed by Blondie with the accompanying band, etc., and the accompanying music, click the following URL link, and scroll down to the music video:
David E Ros
Editor, Music Lover and Webmaster Owner
Published on: Aug 13, 2016 @ 21:53
Revised: 8-14-2016; 8-16-2016; 8-24-2016; 9-1-2016; 9-3-2016 through 9-5-2016; 10-11-2016; 1-9-2017-
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