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[Sticky] Sabrina Salerno “Boys, Boys, Boys” song discussions

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David E Ros, Editor, Music Lover & Webmaster Owner
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Editor’s Comments – Sabrina Salerno singing, performing “Boys, Boys, Boys” song from this song’s music video presentation

Containing the Editor’s Comments, public discussions, reviews, etc., written by Editor David E. Ros. The topics can include: the music video; the song’s lyrics; Sabrina Salerno's presentation; Sabrina Salerno’s performance; Sabrina Salerno and the accompanying band’s presentation; the accompanying band’s performance; and the accompanying music; music score; music composition, etc.

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Sabrina Salerno singing the “Boys, Boys, Boys” song's music video is another of Sabrina Salerno's wonderful, interesting featured singing performances. This “Boys, Boys, Boys” song sung by Sabrina Salerno in the music video is a popular song that can be listened to year-round when desiring joyful Love, Parties and Romance music and/or when desiring a good Sabrina Salerno song.

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B. Sabrina Salerno singing "Boys, Boys, Boys" song's lyrics

Artist: Sabrina Salerno
Album: Sabrina Salerno - All of Me
Genre: Rock, Love, Pop

Read more at:


* The song’s lyrics starting with a “ * ” and ending with a “ * ” are the added and/or modified lyric lines transcribed by Editor David E Ros to match the song’s lyric lines of the music video used on this website. The changes are required because sometimes musicians have many versions of sung, performed song’s lyrics from the musician’s various performances. Transcribed song's lyrics: 5-8-2018, 5-9-2018; 7-13-2018; 11-10-2020; 11-11-2020; 11-13-2020


The finalized transcribed song’s lyrics are located below the Quick Editor's Comments and below the partial song's lyrics at the gold highlight underlined text heading beginning with **.

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*Quick Editor's Comments: Beautiful music video with beautiful, joyful sounds!

1. Sabrina Salerno "Boys, Boys, Boys" partial song's lyrics state:


Sunshine down
*So, come to town*
*Set your body, body, body free*
*(Set your body, body, body free)*


Hold me tight
*My love, love, love tonight*
Tell me you believe
*(Tell me you believe)*


*Everybody, everybody, everybody, summertime love*
*You'll remember me, me, me*
*Everybody, everybody, everybody, summertime love*
*Be my Lover, be my Baby*


*-[Chorus 2:]-*
Boys, Boys, Boys
I'm looking for a good time
Boys, Boys, Boys
*Get ready for my love, love, love*

Quick Editor's Comments from David E Ros

Wonderful music video, wonderful performance and beautiful song concerning the popular actions of romance, parties and love affairs. Romance and love affairs are very popular with females particularly in the safer legal Universes.


Sabrina Salerno looks very attractive in a dark black tight-fitting leotard type clothing with an integral lacy bra and a wide black belt around her waist. Sabrina Salerno is also wearing a short length black jacket and a pair of short height black boots. Sabrina Salerno is wearing a popular cosmetic gold cross with a gold chain around her neck and Sabrina Salerno has bracelets on both of her wrists


Sabrina Salerno's singing performance is wonderful, joyful music with Sabrina Salerno's clear English language pronunciations of the song's lyrics. Sabrina Salerno has many additional wonderful, joyful listening singing performance music videos available. I recommend listening to Sabrina Salerno's additional's music videos.


However this song's lyrics has convict detainment space sectors theme because of the mentioning of summertime love. In convict detainment space sectors, there are usually four seasons on the prison planets, thus the desires, looking forward to the warmer summertime prevails.


2. Sabrina Salerno "Boys, Boys, Boys" partial song's lyrics state:


*(Boys and girls and summertime love)*
*(Summertime love I'm the beast tonight)*
*(Say hey, say you, say me, say what)*
*(Everybody's got a cup)*
*(Don't stop, don't move)*
*(I'll just catch your body in the groove)*
*(I said hey, I said who)*
*(I said me, I said you got to get in the groove)*

Quick Editor's Comments from David E Ros

The song's lyrics state:
*(Everybody's got a cup)*


At some parties everybody brings their own cup or one is available. Then there is a beverage server that refills your cup with your desired beverage.


The song's lyrics state:
*(I'll just catch your body in the groove)*
*(I said hey, I said who)*
*(I said me, I said you got to get in the groove)*


Those lyrics can have many meanings yet mostly have the meaning you must be in a good mood to socialize at parties.


3. More thoughts on the Sabrina Salerno "Boys, Boys, Boys" partial song's lyrics' meanings:

Quick Editor's Comments from David E Ros

In this convict detainment space sectors theme where this song was selected to review and to promote the situation is not Heaven. Even attending parties, gatherings, public events, etc., can be dangerous because of the many convicts with evil, not legal intentions. Even worst is a known hazard of the "Convict Idiots" gangs being illegally recreated into voice activated murderous, attacking, annoying drones that often attack with some or many gang members together. And the "Convict Idiots" gangs annoying Hades invasions where the Owner's defenses vaporize the Hades invaders into spirit forms is a witnessed and not desired prohibited event.


So this song has a common theme of persons unwittingly desiring romances where the situation is prohibited by many of the evil intending outlawed militant gangs


The good news is that many of the evil intending militant gangs including the "Convict Idiots" gangs have surrendered to the Owner. Then the militant gangs members are being transferred to locked secure prison cells to serve their assigned punishments. However not all of the evil intending militant gang members are obeying the surrender agreements in place and dangers still exist. Last revised: 7-13-2018; 11-10-2020; 11-11-2020; 11-12-2020

* * * * *

**Sabrina Salerno - "Boys, Boys, Boys" finalized transcribed song's lyrics

*(Boys, Boys, Boys)*
*(Boys, Boys, Boys)*


*-Song's beginning short Instrumental-*


*-[Chorus 1:]-*
Boys, Boys, Boys
Boys, Boys, Boys
Boys, Boys, Boys
Boys, Boys, Boys


*-Song's 2nd Instrumental-*


Sunshine down
*So, come to town*
*(Set your body, body, body free)*


Hold me tight
*My love, love, love tonight*
Tell me you believe
*(Tell me you believe)*


*Everybody, everybody, everybody, summertime love*
*You'll remember me, me, me*
*Everybody, everybody, everybody, summertime love*
*Be my Lover, be my Baby*


*-[Chorus 2:]-*
Boys, Boys, Boys
I'm looking for a good time
Boys, Boys, Boys
*Get ready for my love, love, love*


*-[Chorus 3:]-*
Boys, Boys, Boys
I'm looking for the good time
Boys, Boys, Boys
*I'm ready for your love, love, love*


*-Song's 3rd very short Instrumental-*


*Stay, Stay, Stay around*
The sound goes down
Gave our feelings right
*Take a chance, chance, chance*
We'll love romance
Have some fun tonight


*Everybody, everybody, everybody, summertime love*
*You'll remember me, me, me*
*Everybody, everybody, everybody, summertime love*
*Be my Lover, be my Baby*


*-[Chorus 4:]-*
Boys, Boys, Boys
I'm looking for a good time
Boys, Boys, Boys
*Get ready for my love, love, love*


*-[Chorus 5:]-*
Boys, Boys, Boys
I'm looking for the good time
Boys, Boys, Boys
*I'm ready for your love, love, love*


*-Song's 4th short Instrumental-*


*(Boys and girls and summertime love)*
*(Summertime love I'm the beast tonight)*
*(Say hey, say you, say me, say what)*
*(Everybody's got a cup)*
*(Don't stop, don't move)*
*(I'll just catch your body in the groove)*
*(I said hey, I said who)*
*(I said me, I said you got to get in the groove)*


*-[Chorus 6:]-*
Boys, Boys, Boys
*(In summertime love, in summertime love)*
Boys, Boys, Boys
*(Let's summertime go, let's summertime go)*
Boys, Boys, Boys
*(In summertime love, in summertime love)*
Boys, Boys, Boys
*(Let's summertime go, let's summertime go)*


*Everybody, everybody, everybody summertime love*
*You'll remember me, me, me*
*Everybody, everybody, everybody, summertime love*
*Be my Lover, be my Baby*


*-[Chorus 7:]-*
Boys, Boys, Boys
I'm looking for a good time
Boys, Boys, Boys
*Get ready for my love, love, love*


*-[Chorus 8:]-*
Boys, Boys, Boys
I'm looking for the good time
Boys, Boys, Boys
*Get ready for my love, love, love*


*-[Chorus 9:]-*
*Boys, Boys, Boys*
*I'm looking for the good time*


*Boys, Boys, Boys*
*Get ready


**(Audience applauds)**

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One song download

Sabrina Salerno CD music, etc., for sale

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To view, listen to this enjoyable music video “Boys, Boys, Boys” performed by Sabrina Salerno and the accompanying music, click the following URL link, and scroll down to the music video:

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Discussions of Sabrina Salerno singing, performing “Boys, Boys, Boys” song and the use of extended carrying tempo with the singing of a song's lyrics word in the music video


Definition and explanation of the act, the art of "singing" courtesy of:

Singing is the act of producing musical sounds with the voice and augments regular speech by the use of sustained tonality, rhythm, and a variety of vocal techniques.


The song's lyrics of Sabrina Salerno singing “Boys, Boys, Boys” at one-point state:


*(Boys, Boys, Boys)*
*(Boys, Boys, Boys)*


Quick Editor's Comments from David E Ros:
The Lord, the owner who is the song's lyrics writer and music composer are not debatable topics considering the Lord, the owner's eternities of involvement in music. So, in a musical composition the Lord, the owner sets the "tempo pace", the speed for the extended carrying tempo with the singing of a particular song's lyrics word which can differ from the song’s overall tempo pace. Here the word "Boys" is carried and sung with the extended multiples singing the sung word at the selected, composed tempo pace, speed. The multiple repetitions in the extended carrying tempo of a sung word takes a noticeable longer time than when the singular word is sung alone. The tempo pace is noted with the "comma" separations between the multiples of the extended carried tempo of a sung word.


In this short extended carrying of a sung word in the song's lyrics *(Boys-Boys)* is the “Boys” lyrics which is placed in the tempo pace of the extended carrying of a sung word's pace yet produces a different vocal sound. This is because *(Boys-Boys)* has a faster singing pace inside the overall tempo pace of the extended carrying of a sung word in the song's lyrics because of the use of the "hyphen" singing song's lyrics command.


Multiple repetitions in the extended carrying tempo of a sung word is a very advance artistic part of singing that adds joyful sounds to the song's presentation and places an emphasis on the extended carried tempo of a sung word.


Explanation of "Tempo Measurement" courtesy of:

Tempo Measurement:

While tempo is described or indicated in many different ways, including with a range of words (e.g., "Slowly", "Adagio" and so on), it is typically measured in beats per minute (bpm or BPM). For example, a tempo of 60 beats per minute signifies one beat per second, while a tempo of 120 beats per minute is twice as rapid, signifying one beat every 0.5 seconds. The note value of a beat will typically be that indicated by the meter signature. For instance, in 4/4 the beat will be a crotchet or quarter note.

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To view, listen to this enjoyable music video “Boys, Boys, Boys” performed by Sabrina Salerno and the accompanying music, click the following URL link, and scroll down to the music video:

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Additional Sabrina Salerno resources available online the internet through these quick access URL links


See Sabrina Salerno official website at:


See more Sabrina Salerno music videos at:


See additional Sabrina Salerno music videos at:

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I will add more discussions of Sabrina Salerno singing, performance of “Boys, Boys, Boys” song’s music video including discussions on “Boys, Boys, Boys” lyrics, etc., when I have time available.

* * * * *

To view, listen to this enjoyable music video “Boys, Boys, Boys” performed by Sabrina Salerno and the accompanying music, click the following URL link, and scroll down to the music video:

David E Ros
Editor, Music Lover and Webmaster Owner

Published on: Jul 13, 2018 @ 12:34 at Editor's Comments
Revised: 11-11-2020; 11-12-2020; 11-13-2020
Published on: July 13, 2018 at 1:14 pm at Forum

This topic was modified 5 years ago by David E Ros, Editor, Music Lover & Webmaster Owner
This topic was modified 4 years ago 4 times by David E Ros, Editor, Music Lover & Webmaster Owner


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