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Switch to HTTPS in 5 steps

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It doesn't matter if you are handling sensitive information such as passwords or credit card details. If a website is running over HTTP, it is always marked as insecure. And this review certainly does not help to build user confidence.From what I see when browsing the web, Google's stick and carrot approach has proven to be effective and most websites have already moved to HTTPS. But if you're not on the HTTPS bandwagon yet, here's another reason to jump on board ASAP.If you store sensitive user data and your website serves EU customers, operating a website over HTTP could land you in legal trouble. According to the GDPR which came into force in May 2018, websites must ensure that all personal data of users is treated securely. This means that in the event of a data breach, you will be held liable and will have to pay a hefty fine.To protect both yourself and your website visitors, you will need to switch to HTTPS. And we'll walk you through the process to help you avoid possible pitfalls along the way.What is the difference between HTTP and HTTPSHTTP stands for Hypertext Transport Protocol. Since the beginning of the Internet, it has been used to transmit data between a browser and a server storing files for a website. One of the major disadvantages of HTTP is that information is transmitted in clear text and can be intercepted by anyone within the network, and ultimately altered or stolen.This problem is solved using encryption.

When the data is encrypted, it becomes unreadable and therefore even if criminals get their hands on it, they will not be able to use the information. This is where HTTPS is different from HTTP: all messages are transmitted over an encrypted communication channel. For this reason, the letter “S”, which stands for “Secure”, has been added to the protocol name.Below, you'll find a five-step guide to moving <a href=" removed link " target="_blank" rel="noopener">Costa Rica Phone Numbers List your website from HTTP to HTTPS.Step 1. Choose an SSL certificate To allow your website to establish an encrypted connection, you must first obtain a TLS certificate, better known as an SSL certificate. The fact is that after a major upgrade, the certificate was renamed to TLS, but the old name remained. The certificate is a small file that contains an encryption key as well as verified information about the owner of the website. Depending on how much data you provide about the person/company that owns a website, you can obtain one of three types of certificates.DV (Domain Validation) is the most basic certificate. As the name suggests, it only verifies that a person requesting a certificate owns a domain. You can get a DV certificate in no time and it won't break the bank.The OV (organization validation) certificate not only verifies domain ownership, but also the legal organization behind a website. Verification of a company's business records takes time, so you will have to wait longer to obtain this type of certificate. Moreover, it costs more.EV (Extended Validation) is a high-level certification.

To issue such a certificate, the certificate authority will thoroughly check a company's government records and independent business lists, verify the identity of the person requesting the certificate, and finally arrange a phone call with the issuer. Admittedly, EV certificates are the most expensive and take time to issue.EV certificate is a must for government organizations, banks, large e-commerce sites. If this is not your case, you will have no problem with the standard DV certificate, because visitors to your website will not notice the difference anyway.Back then, websites that obtained an EV certificate displayed their company name in the address bar next to the padlock. It has been highlighted in green to make it clear on the face of it that the website is secure.Site protected with EV SSL marked in ChromeNow, to check if a company has undergone extended validation, you will need to click on the padlock sign and find the company name in the Details section. And the reassuring green color is now also gone.EV SSL certificate details in Chrome In addition to the level of validation, SSL certificates differ in the number of domains and subdomains they cover.


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